Christmas stirs excitement like a spoon swirling in a hot cup of cocoa. But some years, I hear simple calling. When I listen, I slow down and watch busyness and pressure float away. And yet, the significance of the season remains.

Hence, I’m sharing some of my favorite things to do this time of year. If you’re wanting some alone time or seeking activities with family or friends, here are “10 Simple Things That Can Bring You Joy at Christmas” (in alphabetical order).

1. GIVE A GIFT, TO JESUS. Afterall, there would be no Christmas without Him. What decision, praise or prayer could you offer to make Jesus smile? Our gift to Him doesn’t have to be wrapped and placed under the tree. But it can reflect something we cherish deep within our hearts.

2. DECK THE HALLS (or maybe just a door). Whether you attend a Christmas tree lighting or you have your own, holiday decorations are beautiful to behold. And yet, often the simplest touches personalize a space with just the right amount of holiday cheer.

3. GO TO SEE A LIVE NATIVITY SCENE. Over the years, I’ve seen quite a few of these dramatic presentations. To find one in your area, check online. Just google “live nativity near me.” May seeing the first Christmas portrayed in-person renew your hope and bring you joy.

4. LIGHT A CANDLE. The sight of a flickering wick is calming. Candles with a cinnamon aroma are found in my collection. However, fragrances with hints of spruce, ginger or even cookie dough can also be found this time of year.

Burning candles certainly enhance the atmosphere. But they also remind us that Jesus is the Light of the world. (John 8:12)

5. PLAY CHRISTMAS MUSIC. The melodies of the season are uplifting. Some songs may remind us of past Christmases or family traditions. But the lyrics of many tunes express God’s love through Christ. Some of my favorites are “O Come All Ye Faithful” and “My Grown-up Christmas Wish.”

6. READ LUKE 2:1-21. This may seem obvious. But reading about the birth of Jesus can have a centering effect. The season’s meaning and our need for a Savior intersect. What impacts you the most as you read these verses?

7. RELAX AND REFLECT. Spend a day or afternoon doing your favorite way to unwind. Take a few moments to breathe deeply with a focus on your blessings, big and small.

When we take time to rest and reflect on God’s goodness, we can resume our regular routine strengthened by His grace.

8. SEND A GREETING CARD. Not 20, just 1. You may have already sent dozens of e-cards or cards through the mail. But sometimes the pace of life is busy. If you aren’t up to working through a lengthy list this year, sending a special greeting to one person can be pretty amazing too.

9. SURPRISE SOMEONE. Call or visit the person you’ve been meaning to call or visit all year. Another idea is to leave a blessing (a written note, gift card, or cookies) at the door of a neighbor or on the desk of a coworker. They may be going through the season without much joy.

10. VOLUNTEER. It’s a great way to share your time or a skill with others. Many churches or charities are in need of helping hands to serve in the community. You may even meet a new friend or find a new calling in the process.

That’s my 10! Which one are you drawn to the most? You may have a few ideas of your own. You can also use this list as a conversation starter at gatherings or in a small group with friends or family.

However, you spend your time this Christmas season, may it bring encouragement and peace to your heart. Because Jesus came from heaven to earth, there is joy to the world. But when we come to Jesus, there is joy to the soul!

Sharing is caring !
  1. Great ideas Joy. I love this post. I am saving it to share in our FB group. Have a blessed holiday season.

    1. Thanks Kathy-Ann! Many blessings to you and your family this holiday season too!

  2. Oh Yes, Simplicity at Christmas is my focus as well. I try to read a new Advent devotional during December each year to get a fresh “view” of that Glorious Manger!!

    1. Hi Michelle! An Advent devotional certainly helps to give a welcome focus to the season. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Loved your list, Joy! Seems we enjoy a lot of the same things! I especially like slower and simpler…so many get in such a frenzy of going, doing, purchasing, wrapping, cooking, etc. and truly miss the ambiance of reflecting and celebrating the real reason for Christmas! Nothing I like better than the quiet little moments at home! I love a good cup of coffee, a bite of chocolate and the warmth of the sun on my face in spite of the cold temps… talking, praising, and praying!

    Your opening line hooked me and I so loved “like a spoon swirling in a hot cup of cocoa” and the last line should become a famous quote! It says it all!
    ” Because Jesus came from Heaven to earth, there is joy to the world. But when we come to Jesus, there is joy to the soul.” Amen, dear friend!
    P.S. If perhaps my name would be drawn as one of the winners for the gift cards you are so generously gifting, it would bless me for you to pass it along to someone who may need a little extra blessing this year!
    May God’s radiance always light your way! Love my “JOY!”

    1. Hi Kathy! Thanks for your delightful thoughts on a simpler Christmas! “A good cup of coffee and a bite of chocolate” sounds like a great way to unwind. I’m glad you enjoyed this post, Kathy. Many blessings to you and yours this Christmas season!

  4. Hi Joy,
    I just finished reading my First 5 devotional and enjoyed the way it was written … simple, but still a lesson. Curiosity led me to read more about you.
    I’m glad I did.

    Now a few things about my JOY this Christmas:

    My lifestyle is Hygge. (Hygge is a word in Danish and Norwegian that describes a mood of coziness and “comfortable conviviality” with feelings of wellness and contentment. Wikipedia)

    JOY is the way I describe my feelings. Not happy. The way I explained this to my granddaughters is that to me JOY comes from feelings deep inside. So when I tell them they bring me JOY, it’s a very deep feeling.

    And lastly, your blog and finding you brings me JOY.

    Merry Christmas !!

    1. Hi Carol, it’s nice to “meet you!” I’m glad you enjoyed the First 5 teaching today. It’s an honor to write there and I’m glad you clicked over to my blog.

      I love your description of joy! It is “a very deep feeling.” May you and your family have a very joyous Christmas!

  5. Merry Christmas to you!! Thank you so very much for thinking of me and wishing me a Merry Christmas! And I loved seeing last years comments, so I def had to keep it going! I am still loving your top 10 and so thankful for the “joy” of you!

    1. Awww…thanks Kathy! Merry Christmas to you, too!

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