A new beginning offers us a new opportunity. Being open to what’s next may help us overcome an obstacle we’re looking at right now. Hence, it’s hard not to fall for January’s default theme of the “new year, new you” phenomenon. It’s no surprise that ad campaigns bombard us with products. Each one makes a “brand new you” appeal.

The payoff is their promise to make us better versions of ourselves. But to keep from being discouraged about the current version of myself, I rely on God’s grace in Christ. He makes all things new. (2 Corinthians 5:17) And since I’m a work in progress what He offers amazes me.

Years ago, while talking to a friend she mentioned seeking God for a one-word focus for the year. She had my attention. And yet, I was curious to see if I saw the principle in Scripture.

While I didn’t find any specific mention of the one-word practice, I did find examples of focusing on “one thing” as a way to draw closer to God.

Here are some examples: 

David said, “The one thing I ask of the Lord— the thing I seek most— is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple” (Psalms 27:4 NLT).

If David had one word during his time, I imagine it would be dwell.

Paul said, “No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us” (Philippians 3:13-14 NLT).

If Paul had one word during his time, I imagine it would be perseverance.

David’s “one thing” approach led him to seek God, delight in Him, and meditate in His Temple. Paul was determined to forget the past and look forward to the future. He pressed on until the end and received the heavenly prize.

As we feel the gravity of God’s grace pulling us closer to Him, what might our one word compel us to do?

To be clear, if you don’t have one word for the year, you can still experience God in amazing ways. But here are 3 benefits to consider.

1. In a world full of opinions and distractions, having one word focuses us on God’s Word. 

I know me. My sometimes misguided and multitasking heart loves to bite off more than I can chew. But once I became aware of this tendency, I had to guard against over-functioning. I often sense the necessary guard rails as I read Scripture.

2. Having a one-word focus alleviates the pressure of life’s demands while anchoring us to God’s direction.

In fact, while watching a TV program, I was recently reminded I only need to do one thing each day. Follow Jesus. As a result, (drum roll, please) my one-word for this year is a l i g n m e n t. Like many other one-word enthusiasts, I sensed it as I prayed, and I was drawn to a scripture. Here is my verse.

“Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left” (Isaiah 30:21 NLT).

My one word is also my rescue. I desperately needed God to reset the rhythm of my life. My pace was so frantic that even when I knew the way to go, I didn’t feel like I could. But the cost is too high if I don’t.

So, here’s the third benefit.

3. Having one word for the year is a customized focus for the soul. It keeps us looking to God.

Being aligned with His perspective and His plans frees me from being misguided by my own. If you have one word, I’d love to know yours, too (this is the comment section calling). If you are interested in having one, whatever month we’re in, it’s not too late to seek God.

Sharing is caring !

1 Comment

  1. Happy New “One Word” focus to keep us looking for God!” I love your word, alignment! I do so strive to stay aligned with God in every aspect of my life…and it sorta goes along with my word “evolve!” It came to me out of the blue, the blue skies of God, I like to think. It can have several different meanings, but for me “evolve” is changing for the better. To become more clear, to advance. First recorded in 1635 the Latin meaning from the word “evolvere” is to unroll, open, unfold.
    Synonyms include perfecting, progressing, blossoming! This past year was trying and taxing with remodeling and home projects! Things were so noisy, messy, and at times so disorganized! So towards the year end, my soul felt pretty much the same way! So I do need to unroll, unfold, and open my spirit back up to progress, to advance, to blossom! I want to evolve into the person God desires for me! To do become better. Instead of a year of home improvements being my focus, I pray to do some much needed soul, heart, and spirit improvements! I would so appreciate your prayers for me and I will continue in my prayers for you! I will also keep check on my alignment with God as I pray to evolve for God! I love you, dear sister and wish for you all the “joy” you shower me with! Blessings for a most wonderful new year!

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