Welcome to Joy to the Soul Summer! If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’re familiar with the series. Each year, I share encouragement from scriptural truths containing images of the summer season. Here is this year’s focus:

“For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, what joy for those who trust in you.” (Psalms 84:11-12 NLT)

To give you the backstory on these verses, this psalm was written by the sons of Korah. He was a man who led a rebellion against Moses while Israel was in the wilderness. (Numbers 16) But when God judged Korah and his leaders, they all died. And yet, Korah’s sons were spared. Perhaps this psalm was written out of their gratitude for God’s mercy. The sons of Korah knew God was good. By verse 11, they declare “For the Lord God is our sun and shield. He gives us grace and glory.”

Surely, among all of the seasons, summer shows us the warmth of the sun. It’s the greater light of creation, compared to the lesser light of the moon. (Genesis 1:16) But the sun in this verse is even brighter than the celestial wonder in the sky. It refers to the Lord God. As we know Him as our shield, we know the blessing of His protection.

What warmth of reassurance do you need in this season of your life? Is there a sense of security you long for?

In this 3-part series, we’ll explore 3 ways this summer can make a difference. We’ll see how taking the time for reflection, realignment, and rest can have a significant impact on our faith.

First, let’s explore the power of reflection. What stays on our mind brings rest or weariness to our soul. And yet, regardless of what we’re facing or what we hold dear, reflecting on God’s goodness makes a difference. We can bask in the reality of the Lord as our Sun and our Shield.

When referring to Psalm 84:11, the theologian Spurgeon put it this way, “and the Christian still finds both light and shelter in the Lord his God. A sun for happy days and a shield for dangerous ones. A sun above, a shield around. A light to show the way and a shield to ward off its perils.” We need both sun and shield. God alone is our source. He gives us grace and glory.

Here are some ways to reflect on His goodness this summer.
  1. Write in a gratitude journal each day for 30 days or each week during summer. Focus on how God’s love brings warmth to your life, even on difficult days. Write about Him as your shield. How does being surrounded by God’s faithfulness and love make a difference?
  2. Memorize Psalms 84:11-12. Begin with verse 11 and then add verse 12. Pray and contemplate its meaning.
  3. Spend time outdoors and observe God’s goodness in creation. Consider a walk on a trail or spending time on a front porch or patio. What does the unique lens of your location allow you to see about God and His care for you?

On the warmest of summer days or in the breezes of summer nights, may we sense God’s goodness. Whether you have this assurance or if your heart is full of questions, join me for this series. As we reflect, realign, and rest, I pray you’ll find more joy to your soul this summer!

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  1. Happy Summer, Joy! This summer hasn’t been a lazy and restful summer for me so far. We are in the midst of home repairs and updates, and though I am so very thankful that God is blessing us to get some needed repairs taken care, it has been exhausting and even frustrating at times. I have misses my quiet time of rest and restoration. I am trying not to let all that is going on in the world, get me down, also. But I am fighting sadness and grief about some things. I know God is in control, but my sensitive heart breaks for so many reasons. But I am praying and leaning, knowing God knows all! I do hope before summer is over, I can actually enjoy some joy for my soul! Praying for Your glory and grace to be an abundant blessing this summer season! Sending love, dear friend!

    1. Hi Kathy! I’m sorry to hear your summer has had some challenges. We began home updates last summer, and it’s turned into several phases. Eventually, it does get better. I’m also sorry to hear about your losses. May you sense God’s comfort in your grief. Thank you for sharing your heart, Kathy. Praying for God’s peace and strength to be yours.

  2. Thank you for your prayers and your encouragement. I pray You are enjoying all your new ministry outlets. I know lives are being touched by you. You are an ensample to the flock and a wonderful disciple of Jesus. Your friendship and Your ministry have been a great blessing to me. May God bless you with every grace and glory and I look so forward to your next post! God bless me for You to be a “joy to my soul!” Have a wonderful July 4th! Praying for you and those you love. Sweet blessings for you always. I am thankful for You and that God has blessed me with our paths to cross. Hugs and love, sweet Joy.

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