If a friend supports us through tough times, it’s a gift. I’ve had my share of both — good friends and tough times. And yet, ironically, the storms of life allow a fresh wind to blow through a friendship. It reminds us we’re not alone. It rushes in on the wings of God’s grace bringing someone when we need it the most.
They say a prayer for us when we can’t pray for ourselves.
Their wise counsel escorts us to an epiphany.
Kindness often comes at a cost of an inconvenience. But a friend doesn’t look at the time it takes to help with a task.
They don’t balk at the commitment of walking with a friend through a difficult season. Likewise, friends don’t take advantage of a kindness. They respect it. The gift resonates because friendship is a bond between kindred souls. Hence, we’re all in.

But over the last year or so, the way we connect with each other changed. We met more over Face Time and Zoom than we met in person. We may have shared more or less of our lives, depending on our level of comfort or the weight of a particular burden. But as the world slowly reopens, we can reconnect anew.
In what ways are you experiencing something needful and refreshing with your friends?
I’ve seen a few of my friends mask to mask, but I can’t wait to see them all face to face. We listen to each other vent a pain, yearn for a dream, or set a new goal. We offer prayers to ease a burden and our sense of humor to lighten the mood. But ultimately, we believe God to take each of us to a new season in His grace.
Whether we are near or apart, there is a blessing in the giving.
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed (Proverbs 11:25 NIV)”
I’m grateful for how friends refresh me with their quick wit, fervent prayers and generous spirit. I aim to refresh them too. By God’s grace we’ve become resilient companions. We help each other see more in life’s journey, even when the journey is tough. His grace allows us to freely give and receive.
Because every soul needs a little joy. But there is lots of joy when it is shared between friends. The bond deepens as we’re willing to grow and go with the fresh wind God sends through a friendship.
This post is part of the series “Finding Joy in All Things New!” Sign up in the “Let’s stay connected” box for NEW updates!
Lisa notes...
I was finally able to spend time with my friends face to face without masks a few weeks ago and it was SO refreshing. I never want to take my friends for granted. It’s been a hard year and a half not getting to spend time with them like we were used to.
I love this: “Because every soul needs a little joy. But there is lots of joy when it is shared between friends.” Amen.
Hi Lisa! It’s absolutely wonderful to reconnect with friends face to face! I’m happy you and your friends are checking it off the list. Undoubtedly, the joy is multiplying in those moments.