sea under white dramatic sky

“This storm is like no other.” The meteorologist’s words were sobering. I know each storm is unique in its intensity and potential for damage. But Hurricane Florence was on its way to North Carolina. Our home sits in the middle of the state, three hours inland from the coast.

Bottled water, eggs, milk and bread disappeared from stores like they held secrets to storm survival. Prayers to prevent the storm were released into the atmosphere days ahead of the hurricane’s landfall.

It downgraded from a category 4 to a category 1. Eventually, Florence became a tropical storm. But as it shifted from phase to phase, it grew larger and slowed down.

Hence, Florence pummeled the Carolinas for days.

As we prepared, a friend called and asked how we were doing. I told her I was stocking up on supplies and praying. Because that’s what you do in a storm. We prepare — as best we can — if we’re fortunate enough to have some notice.

I wish life was storm-free.

But storm-free was not on the man’s mind who drove through our neighborhood before the storm. His car door read β€œinsurance adjuster.” Perhaps he was a savvy agent looking for last-minute clients. I wondered if he was a scammer looking for an easy mark. Either way, the sign got my attention.

The driver slowed down to take pictures. He was documenting our subdivision’s condition, before a tree fell, debris scattered, or water filled our streets. Maybe he was just doing his job. But the before-and-after picture of life’s storms is often etched in our minds. It’s probably an image we don’t want to see. Because…

The storm like no other, may be the storm we’re in right now.

It’s the current diagnosis or a loved in a crisis.

It’s the budget shortfall or the dream falling apart.

It’s the stretch and strength required to respond to God’s call.

But we can “shelter in place” with the God who is our Refuge.

O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge. – Psalm 62:8

God treasures our trust. He wants the details of our lives to pour from our hearts. It’s not because He doesn’t know. But in our sharing, confessing, repenting and releasing, He makes Himself known because…

The storm like no other needs the God like no other.

Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me. – Isaiah 46:9 NLT

Thankfully, our community was unaffected; however, I realize others were devastated by the storm. If Hurricane Florence brought loss or damage your way, may you experience the God like no other’s comfort and restoration.

If you are in a different kind of storm and the forecast looks grim, may the God like no other speak peace to your heart and to your storm.

I’m reminded He does not change; but eventually, every storm fades. Just ask Florence. It’s one more thing I remember to bring hope for the heart and joy to the soul.

Sharing is caring !
  1. It’s so true, we all have “storms” in our life and need God to be with us through them. And, like you stated, all storms eventually fade away. Good to remember! Visiting from Holley’s linkup #30

    1. Hi Bethany! May we abide in God, our Refuge in the midst of every storm. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. This was great for me today! He is faithful!

    1. Yes, God’s faithfulness is amazing. Blessings to you Russell!

  3. The whole time that I’ve been listening about Florence, I’ve been reliving having shelter-in-place through Irma last year. And I was remembering how the Lord taught me about storms during that time. I’m glad that the property came through without damage but that God taught you lessons in the midst of the storm!

    1. Yes, I believe God uses situations to teach us all the time — much like Christ did with parables. I pray you and yours are well, in spite of Irma or any other “storms.” Thanks ChristArtist!

  4. Isn’t it beautiful to know during the storms of life we can cast our anchor on the Lord and trust him to carry us through? Storms of life are scary, but thank God for his sovereignty! Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Hi JD! Yes, casting our cares upon the Lord is one of the many ways to experience His care for us. Blessings to you!

  5. This is so good! God is bigger than any storm!! Sometimes its the big ones but sometimes we even hesitate to go to Him with the little storms thinking it is too small to trouble Him with!! Great post!

    1. Thanks Diane! Great reminder about both big and little storms. He wants it all!

  6. Thank Him that He is like no other! Glad you are all okay!

    1. Thanks Sue!

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