“Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.” (3 John 1:2 NLT)
The laid-back vibe of summer isn’t complete until I’ve spent time with good friends. I’m happy to do that this week with Tyra Lane-Kingsland, author and holistic lifestyle coach.
Tyra and I met in the blogosphere. But it was our in-person meetup at a Christian communicators conference last year where we connected. Her effervescent personality and ability to inspire wellness (in the first five minutes of a conversation) is impressive to say the least.
I’m excited about her newly released eBook 30 Days, 30 Ways to Salad Heaven and her mission: “equipping women to LIVE FULLY by nurturing the mind, body and spirit.” This summer, I’ve thought about many things. But I can’t think of a better time to focus on our health through healthy eating.
Joy: Tyra, thank you for joining us to share your mission and menu tips from your latest eBook. What inspired you to connect salad with “Heaven” in the title?
TYRA: The term “Heavenly” has been used to describe many things, from the airyness of buttercream on cupcakes to the softness of mattresses. But the use of “Heaven” in the title of my most recent book is more than a flowery adjective. In the book of Revelation, John paints a picture for us of what Heaven is like.
Revelation 22:2 reads, “Through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” To that I say, what is loosed in heaven shall be loosed on earth. Plants are the leaves on the trees and when we eat leaves by way of salads, we are healed!
JOY: I love the idea of incorporating salads into my meal planning. What compelled you to give us a whole book dedicated to salads?
TYRA: I actually didn’t intend on writing a salad book but here we are. Many years ago, God gave me a wellness plan for honoring my temple. And part of that plan was to eat a salad everyday for lunch. To avoid boredom, I began crafting eye-catching, colorful salads. Each time I would post one of the salads on social media, I’d get a TON of questions.
After fielding so many questions, the Lord gave me the gentle nudge and said, “They need you to write it all down in one place.” Hence, 30 Days, 30 Ways to Salad Heaven was born. And the salads in this book are not your typical romaine, ranch and croutons. My salads are nutrient dense and filling so they stand alone as a complete meal, instead of a forgotten about side item.
Joy: In your book, you highlight how salads can “put your mind at ease, excite your taste buds, fuel your body and make you extremely happy.” That must be some salad! In your opinion, what is the most important principle for us to focus on as we think about our physical health in this season?
TYRA: Joy, the most important thing we can remember in this season and beyond is that our body is the temple where the Holy Spirit resides.
2 Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
“We want to make food choices that bring honor and glory to God in our temples. And we don’t have to be food experts to do that.” – Tyra Lane-Kingsland
You don’t have to know which leafy greens have the most calcium or which oils are lowest in saturated fat. You’ll learn more about nutrition facts over time. But what you do know is that the Lord calls for you to obey Him. When He’s nudging you to put the soda down, do you obey? When He tells you not to go back for seconds, do you listen? When He warns you not to eat the whole pack of cookies will you heed His instruction? He is speaking and guiding us but will we follow the leading of the Spirit?
JOY: (after putting down a can of soda and a package of cookies) That’s a great point Tyra. But that may be more challenging for some of us than others. I’m sure you have several recipes to help us with healthy food choices. I’m picturing a backyard with tiki torches and a well-dressed table. What would be the featured salad/entrée?
TYRA: It would be fitting for us to take advantage of what’s in season. Today my Grilled Peach Salad is the star of the show. A little sweet, savory and crunchy, this salad is not only tasty and nutritious, it’s simply beautiful and will catch everyone’s attention. Grilling and roasted foods brings out their natural sugars and intensifies their flavors and such is the case here. Top with my homemade balsamic dressing and you’ve got a showstopper.
Grilled Peach Salad
4 cups green leaf lettuce
1 peach, pit removed
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 tablespoon shallots chopped
2 tablespoon goat cheese
2 tablespoon pecans chopped
Lightly oil the pit side of the peach or lightly spray with a mister. Grill peach for 5 minutes. Plate remaining ingredients, drizzle with Balsamic Dressing and top with grilled peach.
JOY: You had me at grilled peaches! Thank you for sharing this recipe. Apart from our backyard dining experience, what else would you like for readers to takeaway from your book’s message?
TYRA: From the dawn of creation God has given us plants for our nourishment. Let us be reminded of the words in Genesis 1:29, “And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.” So no matter what eating modality you ascribe to, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables is to your benefit. It is God’s original design for us.
In fact, before He even created mankind, He created what would nourish us. On the third day He created the seed and fruit bearing trees. By the time we came along on the sixth day, our food provision was already accounted for.
Can somebody give a big hallelujah right there! Now all we have to do is come into agreement with that plan by eating from the good of the earth. By the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us, we can choose well and honor God by honoring our temple.
Thank you Tyra! A taste of summer is fully embodied in the recipe you shared with us today. But even more so, your zeal for honoring God through healthy living is inspiring. I appreciate you and your mission to encourage and equip readers to live fully.
Tyra Lane-Kingsland is a speaker, ministry leader, holistic health coach and author committed to seeing women live well in the mind, body and spirit. Through her programs and books, Tyra equips women to apprehend overwhelm, nourish the body, nurture the spirit and to parent with purpose.
Tyra holds a Health Minister Certification from Wesley Theological Seminary and has been recognized as a Competent Communicator with Toastmasters International. An attentive wife and mother of six, Tyra is on a passionate pursuit to see you LIVING FULLY!
You can connect with her on her website at Inspired to Live Fully, on Instagram or Facebook.
Last week’s winners of the Soul Care book and classes are Sheila, Lisa and Taura!
To read more posts in the “Joy to the Soul Summer” series click here.
Lynn J Simpson
That peach salad looks delicious. I miss living in an area where peach trees bloomed. However, I recently started adding dates to my salads that give them that satisfying sweetness too! Yes, thanks for the reminder that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Hi Lynn! I never thought about adding dates to my salads. I love that idea! Thanks for sharing.
Lynn this salad is not only easy on the eyes but it is mmm mmm good! Blessings as you continue to honor the Lord in your temple.
Jackie H.
Hallelujah! I am inspired to come into agreement with God’s plan by eating from the good of the earth. Tyra and Joy Thank You! for this timely and inspirational message.
Praise God Jackie! I’m glad you’re inspired!❤
Amen Jackie. Divine healing is your birthright!
Being Woven
This was a blessing for me, Tyra and Joy. I love the recipe and the looks of that peach salad. I am also blessed by the picture in Revelation with the Tree of Life and the fruit. God is so beautiful and, yes, I need to remember that I am growing into the image of Christ, that my body is the temple for the Holy Spirit. God has used you in His Kingdom, ladies. I love this.
Yes, the Tree of Life in Revelation allows us to see how wellness and healthy eating are intertwined. Like you, I’m so blessed by Tyra bringing such truths to our attention.
Thank you and I’m honored that the message resonated with you. Blessings to you and may the Lord continue to satisfy you with long life!
Yes, we Christians are the temple of God. “… In whom ye also are built together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.”
As for the book of Revelation, it amazes me that the apostle John could see “… the temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament …” I can hardly wait to come up there.
Hi Lucille! John’s vision in Revelation stirs my heart too!
Tonia M
Wow! This post was just what I needed. I’ve gained weight during the stay at home order, and I’m feeling not so great about my body. The reminder that my body is where the Holy Spirit dwells is timely and appropriate. I also like ” a salad a day”! Keep up the truth, wisdom, and encouragement.
Hi Tonia! God always meets us where we are! May you continue to be encouraged and experience His grace right where you are.❤
Tonia I’m delighted that this post was timely encouragement for you. I would add to that to grant yourself grace. This are unchartered waters we’re navigating and we are all trying to handle it as best we know how. And in the midst our routines, schedules, behaviors and such can change. By His grace, He will show you how to Course through this new way of life and how to do it in a way that honors your mind, your body and your spirit.
Glory! A holy habitation indeed.
Salad looks delicious. I would love to have more ideas for salads since I am in week 12 of having No processed sugar or processed food, salads are a big part of menu planning.
Hi Pammy! Week 12 — that’s impressive. Continued success to you on your wellness journey!
Pammy with 30 different salad recipes, this book is sure to keep you excited about the salad. And there are homemade dressing recipes that are all sugar free 🙂
Louise Walker
I love salads that are not the usual lettuce, cucumbers and tomato. This book would inspire me to venture out!!
Hi Louise! Like you, I welcome the salad adventure in Tyra’s book!
Yes Louise these would definitely encourage you to try new combinations! These salad incorporate roasted veggies, ancient grains and more.
Robin Roles
My hubby and I are making changes and looking for healthier, great tasting salad ideas! I am so happy that I stumbled on Joy’s site! Thank you for the peach salad recipe ~ it looks delicious and I can’t wait to discover some of the other recipes in this book!
Hi Robin, welcome! I’m super excited about the variety of salads in Tyra’s book. I used to battle salad boredom, but not anymore!
Robin so happy to hear about you and your husbands progress! That’s great news. God sees your efforts and He is faithful to reward you. May your act of obedience in honoring your temple yield a harvest of good health!
Gail Burke
Tyra your approach to eating is so inspiring! Some weeks ago I resolved to devote one day a week to eating only salad but I haven’t followed through. Your book has helped me to strengthen my resolve. i will be ordering a copy (if I don’t win the drawing, lol). Thanks Joy, for hosting Tyra on your blog!
Hi Gail! It sounds like Tyra’s book is the solution to your weekly salad dilemma!
Gail, You can do it!!!!! Your body will respond well to the intake of living foods. May you continue to walk in abundant health as you diligently carry out God’s instructions.