It’s been a tough few weeks in our nation. Are you okay? I ask because I care. I ask because I’m not. The recent killings of three unarmed African Americans, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, widened America’s racial divide.
Each tragedy built momentum for a nationwide response. The video of George Floyd’s death, the most recent victim, shows him pleading for his life as a white police officer knelt on his neck.
As the audio revealed Floyd’s repeated gasps of “I can’t breathe,” an old wound ruptured in my soul.
I’m not okay because over 400 years ago, Africans were captured and carried in the hull of slave ships to a foreign land. Before reaching this nation’s shores, they were deprived of oxygen and dignity. Many of them died during the Middle Passage because…you guessed it — they couldn’t breathe.
They couldn’t escape the oppressive system insisting they were less than who God created them to be. And He created us all to be equal.
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27 NIV)
The Creator’s heart must break when the created distorts His idea of equality. For centuries, people of color have been deprived of the oxygen of equal access to education, economic opportunities and civil rights. I realize we’ve seen some improvements, but huge inequities still exist.
However, the image of God cannot be snuffed out. It stays in you and me. It remains in the thousands of people who are protesting in the streets, spending time in prayer or working on much needed reform behind the scenes.
Cries of outrage need to be heard. Statistics on racial inequities need to be touted. But I’m not okay with more violence, more looting or more destruction of property.
And yet racism persists, unless enough people of good conscience say that’s enough. So, I ask you again, are you okay? As it relates to the recent tragedies, part of me hopes none of us are.
I hope we’re irritated until our voices are heard through our votes. But we also need to be heard by one another.
I welcome the sound of repentance. May it rise from those who perpetuate racism as well as those who benefit from it, but don’t challenge its existence. I hope to hear the sound of forgiveness rise in response to such repentance.
I know there are plenty of societal ills to tackle, but this one shouts. This one warns of worse times ahead, if this time we don’t get it right.
And even if the world misses the point, the church still has to rise. Christ followers are endowed with the ministry of reconciliation. (see 2 Corinthians 5:17-19) The race divide needs to be filled with every drop of that endowment.
In this moment, I’m not okay. But I will be. I’ll have the kind of peace that settles in when you know God is righting wrongs. I’ll continue to seek His will for my part in His plan. And after all our soul-searching is done, I pray you’ll be okay too. But none of us will be okay, if we continue to be okay with being divided.
Aunt Corenza
AMEN and AMEN Joy. Well said, and I am not okay. Love you
Thanks Aunt Corenza! Love you too!
Sarah Geringer
Praying for you today, Joy. Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts here.
Thanks Sarah! I’m praying for us all!
Pearl Curry
Thank you for a beautifully written post! And no, I am not ok! As a Shepherd of God’s people, my heart and mind are overwhelmed with so many different mixed emotions.
Thank you for this platform to express my grief and sadness.
Thanks for sharing your heart here Pearl! Much strength and wisdom to you as you shepherd God’s people.
Your post was beautiful. I agree none of us should be okay until things change.
Thanks Maree!
Vickie Munton
I am not okay either. I am struggling. I am sad. I am frustrated. My heart hurts and I’m leaning in ever so close to my Savior and asking Him to step in. To reveal Himself and to help us see this from His perspective. Thanks for sharing your heart and for being honest. You are a joy! <3
Vickie, I join my hurting and praying heart with yours.
I’m also “asking God to step in. To reveal Himself and to help us see this from His perspective.” In Jesus’s Name, Amen.
Joanne Viola
I so appreciate this post. No, I am not okay and thank you for asking. You have shared beautifully and powerfully. May the Church arise and reach out in God’s love and in unity.
Hi Joanne! I’m glad this post spoke to your heart. Let the church arise!
Jane DeLong
Joy, I hear you. My heart hurts. We need change. We have needed change for a very long time. Jesus, You are the only one who can make it right again. Send Your Spirit to unite Your people. May Your church arise and be the vehicle through which You bring the equality all Your image-bearers deserve. Come, Lord Jesus.

Amen Jane! Thank you for this heartfelt and powerful prayer. May God’s kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

Valerie Williams
Min. Joy Williams, No, I am far from being okay. And I will not be okay while racism is denied by so many, while at the same time acceptable behavior by others.
Thanks for speaking to our souls.
Thanks for joining the conversation Min. Valerie! I appreciate you!
Lisa notes...
Oh, I love your honesty, Joy. I’m not okay either, so I can’t even begin to imagine how you must feel. I’m praying for greater awareness of the deep roots of structural racism in our country and in our hearts; for repentance when awareness comes; for lasting change as a result of repentance.
I know we’ll all be okay in the end. But right now I hope progress will come from the hurting. I marched in our local Black Lives Matter protest last week. It was well-organized and well-attended with peaceful protesters. Yet hours later, our local police brought out tear gas and rubber bullets to chase home the final protesters.
Lord, have mercy!
Hi Lisa! Thanks for your willingness to put feet on your prayers and make a public stance. I’m glad to hear the protest you participated in was peaceful. However, it’s disconcerting when a peaceful demonstration is disrupted. Thanks for sharing your heart and your experience here!
Ariel Gritter
I love your words here, Joy, and love your heart. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability and for stating these truths. All Christians need to hear these words! Heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time.
Thanks Ariel! I appreciate you!
No, I am not O.K. People my color probably won’t be okay until Jesus returns. He will first in the air for us his bride and then we with him to the earth for the nation Israel and the others saved during great tribulation. We might as well face the truth. Genesis 9 lets us know that Ham, Noah’s son that looked on his dad’s nakedness, started the black sorrow. Yet Christ died for all mankind, not for a group nor for a nation. Is evangelism the key? Maybe the church needs to do more in spreading the gospel of Jesus. The message of the cross and the blood of Christ still has power.
Hi Lucille! Prayerfully, many will come to Christ in the midst of this. Thanks for joining the conversation!
Beautiful post! I am not okay, but praying that one day we will all be. God is using what was meant for evil and turning it for good.
Hi Sharla! Yes, I agree! I believe in the midst of this great challenge God is doing a greater work.
Thank you so much for this! Some days I’m okay, some days I’m not but I am trying to educate as much as possible. The fight will be long and lots of prayers are needed, but we can get there! God Bless
Hi Heidy! Yes, we can get there indeed. With God all things are possible. Blessings to you too!