I’m pleased to welcome Karen Foster as a guest writer for this week’s post. Our paths crossed through a post I wrote last year and I’m glad they did. On her blog, Karen shares “how daily circumstances are an opportunity to be conformed into Christ’s image and bring Him praise.” I love her soul-stirring insights on how we can experience God’s presence…Even In This. Thanks Karen!
A single piece of thread dangles from my scarf. I tuck the lonely strand back into place. Try to hide it.
For I know if I yank the thread too hard, the scarf will bunch up. Keep pulling it and the scarf might unravel.
Ever feel that way?
Like you’re composed of multiple strings of yarn and everyone is tugging on you?
And each time those strings are pulled, you feel as though you’re unraveling. Bit by bit.
Until there’s nothing left of you, but a heap of yarn on the floor.
Unless, of course, you’ve learned to hide the loose, frayed strands from other folks.
Maybe—instead of a frayed scarf—you feel more like a string puppet. Just going through the motions with each tug. Nod, smile, wave, bend, move….
Too much jerking and we lose the elasticity of our stringy nerves. Or they get tangled from hurrying in too many directions.
So how do we avoid unraveling? Untie the knots?
How do we REST in the middle of wrestling life?
Return to the Lord and let your soul find rest. (Psalm 116:7).
Exalt the Lord. Praise His name and thank Him for Who He is and the great things He has done in your life. (Psalm 69:30)
Submit to the circumstances in your life in which you have no control. If we can’t change our circumstances, we can change our attitude. (Philippians 4:8)
Trust God’s promises. Knowing He uses the events and people in our life for His purposes which includes molding us into the image of Christ. (Romans 8:28,29)
Even when King David’s personal sin crushed him, he returned to the Lord. For he knew his redemption and delivery had nothing to do with his own character or actions.
It had everything to do with God’s lovingkindness and compassion.
Maybe you’re on the endangered list as your inner being unravels. Desperate for God’s compassion.
Turn off the news; the cell phone.
Go to your hiding place and show your Abba Father the gnarled knots and loose strings.
Then R.E.S.T.
And like a child who waits while a parent untangles his shoestrings…
Allow the Lord to clip and mend your frayed, loose strings until you’re new again and ready to rumble.
Karen Foster writes devotionals and personal narrative stories for Christian publications such as The Upper Room, The Secret Place, and The Bible Advocate’s ezine: Now What? Karen is also a speaker for women’s events. You can read her blog at KarenFosterMinistry.com.
What a post of encouragement Karen! Wonderful tips for when we feel those moments of unraveling in our lives. I especially love what you convey about submission…”If we can’t change our circumstances, we can change our attitude.” That is definitely a pearl of wisdom I will take from this as i REST in my Savior! Thank you for the inspiration and thank you Joy for inviting Karen to share her thoughts. I wish you both a wonderful week and may God bless you and yours in all your endeavors!
Thanks Horace. I love this post from Karen too! It hits a needed note of honesty during difficult times. A wise and welcome word indeed!
Karen Foster
Thank you, Horace, for commenting. Of my four suggestions in R.E.S.T., I think submission is the hardest thing for me to do. But I’ve learned the hard way that when I refuse to submit to circumstances (I can’t change), I get frustrated and tangled in self-defeating thoughts.
Elizabeth Grant
Thank you Karen and thank you Joy. I have just finished reading scriptures on REST and I love the acronym you put together so well. About “submitting to the circumstances in my life” has been the hardest thing to do. But I know that when I do I have the peace that only God can provide. Then I have the privilege of trusting Him with His outcome because His way is better ALL the time.
I am blessed by this post too Liz. When I’m unraveling, REST is what I need, but sometimes it can seem like the hardest thing to do. Karen’s acronym is very timely.
Karen Foster
Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your thoughts. Submission to life’s circumstances is hard. For me, I think part of this difficulty is my mistaken expectation that life should be void of trials. When troubles come, my spirit protests because I don’t want to deal with conflict and the “fixer” in me wants to make things better. As a child of God, I also have a sense of entitlement. Shouldn’t God make life fair for me? The same way, I used to step into my kids’ life and make them play fair, and try to remove conflict in their lives. Christ said “in this world we will have tribulation” so the only thing I can fully change is my attitude and response towards the difficult circumstances. REST is an acronym that I’ve had to own and repeat to myself. And you know what? It works because each word takes us back to Christ who brings us rest.