Seeking God’s guidance is certainly a way to approach a goal or a problem. But following His guidance is the way we show our heart belongs to Him. I am pleased to have guest writer, Joy Oguntimein, share some insights on discovering the joy of obedience this week. I find encouragement in her perspective and I believe you will too. Thanks for sharing with us Joy!
Many words may come to mind when we think of the word obedience. Of all the words that you would use, that I would use, would joy be on the list? However, the psalmist links obedience to joy in Psalm 119:14a NLT, by saying, “I have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches.”
How could the psalmist find such rich joy in obeying God? I think he knew something I’m still learning. Obedience produces a blessed life. Maybe you’re still learning that too.
When we obey God, we can discover the joy of pleasing Him and the benefit of receiving His promises. Our motivation for obedience is not just to get a blessing. Instead, our love for God and our trust in Him puts us on the path to experience the blessing He desires.

Simon Peter illustrates this in Luke 5:1-11. One day a large crowd pressed around Jesus while he preached. The Lord wanted to use Peter’s boat as a platform from which to address the multitude, so he asked Peter to push the boat out a little way from shore (Luke 5:3). It was a small, simple request. There are times when God tells us to do something that appears small and insignificant too. But Peter’s obedience was a segue to a miracle.
When Jesus finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish.” “Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear (Luke 5:4-6 NLT)!
What shore is God asking you to push off from a short distance? For me, it is sharing my faith beyond social media. While doing a Bible study recently with women from my church, I felt God nudge me to be more intentional about inviting people into a relationship with him. As a follower of Christ, I’m called to lead others to Jesus by telling them what Christ has done in my life.
This calling is not limited to my social media connections, most of whom know Jesus. This calling extends to the person in front of me in line at a store. While I’m not asking everyone I meet if they have a relationship with Jesus, I am being more intentional about noticing opportunities to tell someone how Jesus has and still is changing my life.
What is Jesus asking of you? I don’t know what God has told you to do, but we should be encouraged to do it.
His instruction is for our good. Whatever boat we’re in, we’re headed in the right direction as we obey Him. The challenge in our obedience, may be the net we need to let down to catch what God has in mind. Undoubtedly, it will lead to His blessing and joy.
Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for calling us to obey You. Sometimes we see it as a challenge, but it is always the best choice. Wherever I am in disobedience to Your Word, forgive me. Cleanse me and renew my mind about Your will. Help to push away from every hindrance. May I experience the richness of joy that comes from obeying You, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Joy to the Soul: “I have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches” (Psalm 119:14a NLT).

Joy Oguntimein is a Nigerian-American who calls the Washington DC Metropolitan area home. Her motto is Jesus. Others. You. She believes if you live a life following Jesus, walking with others, and being who God called you to be, then you’ll experience joy. Her mission is to help people grow their faith, build their confidence, and discover joy in life! She mixes humor, biblical truth, and real-life examples to connect with people to discover the wonders of God’s truth and apply them to life.
In addition to being the Connections Pastor at Zion Church Landover, she is an author, worship leader, and learning and development, consultant. You can find out more about Joy at pocketfulofjoy.com. You can also connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.
Jelise Ballon
Love this.
It speaks to my heart too, Jelise!
Thanks Joy for sharing this awesome word with me. I sometimes grow weary in my obedience to God so thank you for this simple reminder to stay in his will.
Allene, I appreciate this message from Joy Oguntimein too. Obedience to God is certainly a blessing, but we all need encouragement to stay the course.
Joy Oguntimein
Yes, Allene stay in His will!! 🙂 Obedience may not be easy but it’s worth it. May the Lord strengthen and encourage you as you trust and obey Him.