When my son was much younger, he’d occasionally laugh in his sleep. I wondered about the reason for his giggles. Did he dream in vivid colors? Did he hear snappy tunes or see funny faces? Unfortunately, Ryan couldn’t recall the details. Although these visions made for a happy slumber, they vanished the moment he opened his eyes.
When we sleep our dreams set sail. And yet, when we’re awake we may not be on board with the details of the vision. What do you dream about in your waking hours? Does it cause you to scoff at the possibility or plunge ahead in faith?
Trips to somewhere wonderful or achievements of something meaningful pop in and out of my head. Some days they seem realistic. Other days they seem out of my reach. However, God’s grace is not a license to live by how I see things. It is a gift to help me live by how He sees me.
I continue to learn how to embrace the pace, places, and people He has in mind for my life. It’s not always an easy grasp for my emotions. But I believe it is essential to keeping my dreams from becoming a nightmare. If I run ahead or lag behind the Lord, I end up far from His plan. But as I trust in and obey Him, I walk right into His promises.
Prayerfully, I’ll avoid my son’s nocturnal habit; being wowed by a dream but lacking any way to communicate what the experience really means. A vision may easily form in my head but it takes a lot more for it to come to fruition.
I forget a dream if I’m skeptical.
The mere possibility seems unthinkable.
Faith-filled dreams make me intentional.
I pray, plan and act with God’s purposes in mind. (James 2:20-26)
I forget a dream if I doubt my ability.
Discouragement and doubt delay my steps.
Faith-filled dreams show I can do all things through Christ.
I depend on Him every step of the way. (Philippians 4:13)
I forget a dream if I believe I’m not worthy.
How could God use or bless someone like me?
Faith-filled dreams are based on Christ’s Redemption.
How will His glory show up next? (Ephesians 3:20)
Granted, the possibility of dream fulfillment causes us to ponder many things. But when it comes to God’s plan for our lives we can count on His faithfulness. As I attend the She Speaks conference this weekend, I go with hope tucked inside me.
Being among other Christian women who lead, write, or speak creates a unique atmosphere. As I see familiar faces and meet new ones, I might forget a few names. But I’m remembering the faithfulness of God. There’s no telling what will happen when all of us dreamers (and doers) are in the same room.
Where are your dreams taking you? Are they forgotten or faith-filled? I continue to learn the faith-filled approach. If that’s you too, here’s some good news: living our best dream is only possible when we awaken to who we are in Christ. The details may surprise us but His grace will always keep us. It is the sure way to live with hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” – Ephesians 3:20 MSG
Diane Grimes
You have no idea how much I needed this today! Thank you for the encouragement.
Diane, I’m glad this post spoke to your heart. May you continue to be encouraged in the direction of your God-given dreams.
Joy – I’m a first-time visitor to your site and blessed today by your words and vision. I love how you describe “God’s grace is not a license to live by….it is a gift to live by how He sees me.” God bless you!
God bless you Sandra! Thanks for stopping by. May we continue to unwrap the gift of God’s grace and live in the reflection of His truth!
I really enjoy this one. God gives us dreams and visions. Tell me more about the She Speaks conference.
Hi Darlene. The She Speaks conference is hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries. It is an annual gathering (and mentoring) of women with speaking or writing ministries. To find out more visit: shespeaksconference.com.