We can get by with a little help from our friends. But sometimes circumstances are dire and the assistance required is substantial. In Mark 2, a crippled man is unable to move. Perhaps he’s unable to speak. But he’s carried to Christ by his friends.

"...Soon the crowd overflowed from the house into the streets, and still more people pressed forward to hear Jesus teaching the message of Godโ€™s kingdom. Four men tried to bring a crippled friend to Him; but since the crowd prevented their carrying him close enough to get Jesusโ€™ attention, they climbed up onto the roof, opened a hole in it, and lowered the paralyzed man on his mat down to Jesus. Jesus recognized the faith of these men.

Jesus (to the paralyzed man): Son, your sins are forgiven." - Mark 2:1-5 Voice 

By verse 11, Christ heals the man and heโ€™s walking.

I imagine the man’s friends were rejoicing. I admire their determination and quick thinking. Jesus recognized their faith.

Yet, I notice there’s no reference to the paralytic’s faith at all.

Likewise, when a friend is crippled by unfortunate circumstances or by a poor choice, judging them or gossiping about them requires no faith at all. But since faith gets God’s attention, what will we believe Him to do for a friend?

Heal them?

Provide for them?

________ them? (your prayer for your friend)

I’ve learned the value of a friendship gives me the vision for the friendship. I may not know the solution to a friend’s problem, however, I know the God who is. I can carry them to Him in prayer and help out in practical ways. Because when a friend faces a crisis, our faith can make a difference.

A true friend loves regardless of the situation, and a real brother exists to share the tough times. – Proverbs 17:17 Voice

This post is part of my "Lessons I've Learned About Life (so far)" series for the #write31days challenge. To find out more start here.
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  1. I am teaching myself to be a good friend and also praying to God for a good friend.

    1. You are well on a your way. I’m praying for you too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. This blessed me!

    1. Thanks Pam – blessings to you and your friends!

  3. I don’t know where I would be without my friends. I feel as thought they have literally lowered me through the roof at time. It has also been a blessing to do that for them. Great words.

    1. Thanks Maree! I’m grateful for roof-removal skills in my friendships too!

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