In a racially fragile atmosphere, our nation received another blow last week. Worshipers gathered for Bible Study at Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, S.C. A stranger with a different agenda sat beside them. An hour later, an African-American pastor and eight others were killed because of the color of their skin. However, now these people of faith are at home with Jesus because faith always wins.

Like others saddened by this tragedy, my heart aches for the victims and their loved ones. The devastation is unthinkable. However, the following Sunday a crowd of many colors gathered at the same church. As they worshiped and cried together a more powerful narrative became possible because faith always wins.

The winning faith I speak of is not just the act of believing. I’ve believed many things and unless they were based on the truth, the results always fell flat. Biblical faith doesn’t mean we’ll see life adhere to our plans. However, Scripture assures us we will see what God has promised.

We will see Him overcome evil with good. We’ll see Him overshadow brokenness and despair with healing and hope. And we’ll see Him grant strength where there is none.

Whatever we need or desire of God, asking and acting in faith makes a difference (see James 2:26 and 1 John 5:13- 14). When we trust God to do what’s best even when life seems at its worst, our victory is not just sweet it is sacred.

The results are not crafted by human hands and the glory is not intended for a human name – both belong to God. He graciously gives us the opportunity to participate in what He is doing. While the process may baffle us, the results always better us.

After authorities apprehended the suspect in the Charleston crime, the victims’ families spoke at the bond hearing. According to media outlets, forgiveness filled the room. Their faces were not shown but their voices were heard loud and clear.

One by one they acknowledged the pain of their loss as they forgave the accused. The potential for a malicious chain reaction lost traction because faith always wins.

These families’ generosity of spirit demonstrates the power of faith. It is not a feeling; it is a function. Feelings alone may include anger, frustration, or grief. But faith subdues our feelings and enables us to sense God.

Faith wins because it is the only way a sincere seeker can please Him. Faith wins because it bolsters a believer’s existence and secures us to His plan. Ultimately, faith wins because it asserts the eternal truth that Jesus is our Redeemer and He alone is Lord (see Romans 10:9-10).

Whenever we’re fighting a battle here’s some good news: when we fight through faith in Christ, we always win. The victory is found in the center of His will. While many factors may drive us there, only His power can keep us there. It is the sure way to have hope in the heart and joy in the soul.

β€œAnd it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” – Hebrews 11:6 NLT

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  1. Omg!! Once again God has blessed us through your anointed writing! Your words give us hope, encouragement and understanding. God bless!!!

    1. Thanks Rahama. I’m continuing in prayer for Charleston and our nation. Blessings to you too!

  2. Well written, my sister in Christ! Spot on–“Faith subdues our feelings.”

    1. Thanks Karen. I am glad you joined the conversation on this post!

  3. Amen and amen. God’s Grace and Glory displayed in the midst of tragedy.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Effie. God’s grace amazes and His glory astounds!

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