Falling in love can be easy. With adrenaline pumping and dreams forming, we are well on our way to “I do.” But if we discover the person or passion we’re pursuing is not what we thought they would be, we are well on our way to being duped.
This lesson beats within my heart when I consider my relationship with focus and distractions. Focus catches my eye as the pathway to walking in God’s plans. When I’m caught in its embrace, productivity sparks and fruitfulness flows.
It’s a beautiful thing.
According to Webster, focus in Latin means fireplace or hearth. "It is the point at which rays of sunlight gathered by a magnifying glass converge and cause something to catch fire."
What might “catch fire” in your life and mine, if we left the dance floor of distraction and fell in love with focus? What possibility would surface or what fear would dissipate, if we focused on God’s promises and His call?
Focus requires making a series of decisions to say no to a series of distractions. That’s what Jesus did when He was tempted in the wilderness (see Matthew 4:1-11). His consistency in saying “no” to the wrong things, gave Him a clear path to the right thing — being the Savior of the world.
His example demonstrates the power of godly focus. It steeps us in a resolve to follow where God leads, no matter the cost. Some days I wish the cost didn’t include sacrificing my selfish desires or my sense of control, until I see the reward – becoming who He created me to be.
I become more loving in my relationships, more effective in any given task and less hindered by the cares of this life. But if I’m challenged by life’s circumstances and give into my shortcomings, I start to fall for distractions.
I lose track of the pace, places and people He has in mind for me. Distractions come when life is going well or when I’m barely hanging on. But they always come with the same message, “You must do this now!” And as they demand my attention, they ignore the will of God.
However, focus requires tuning out distractions while being in tune with the will of God.
His pace should be a welcome rhythm in my soul.
His places for me to serve bestow great privilege.
The people He connects me with create encounters with His grace and truth.
If I’m distracted by someone else’s pace, a seemingly better place or the fickleness of people, there is tension in my heart and hollowness in my soul. It is the result of my natural tendency to over-achieve or second guess. However, my redemptive reality offers me a better choice.
“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.” Proverbs 3:5-6 MSG
Walking the God-directed path requires a God-centered focus. So I continue to wave so long to sidetracked. It’s not always easy to leave the dance floor of distraction, but I am falling in love with focus. The rays of its sunlight warm my heart with the faithfulness of God, until I say “I do.”
I have an accountability partner to keep me honest and God’s grace to keep me encouraged. I hope you’ll commit to focus more on what He wants for you too. It’s a sure way to keep hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
“Now stay focused on Jesus, who designed and perfected our faith. He endured the cross and ignored the shame of that death because He focused on the joy that was set before Him…” – Hebrews 12:2 Voice
I needed this. Focus I feel is my next assignment – the next part of me that God is transforming. So many of the statements here truly resonated with me. Have a great day!
Hi ordinarily extraordinary mom! I’m glad this post is helpful to you. I relate to the “focus assignment” you feel. 🙂 Blessings to you!
Yes! Yes! Yes! Laser focused!
Amen Cheryl — that’s the goal!