It’s no secret, I have a gap. It sits front and center of my smile. Some say it’s my signature look; but it’s a sure sign something is missing. However, during a recent study of Scripture, a different gap got my attention.

As the Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica, his desire to see them centered around one thing.

Night and day we pray earnestly for you, asking God to let us see you again to fill the gaps in your faith. – 1 Thessalonians 3:10 NLT

Imagine reaching for reassurance or perseverance and finding something is missing in your soul. Now imagine at the same time, someone reaching out to you with a kind word, a timely Scripture or heartfelt prayer.

Filling the gaps in someone’s faith is the epitome of encouragement.

I’m reminded of the man who asked Jesus to deliver his son from a tortuous spirit. (See Mark 9:14-29) In verse 24, the man asks Christ to help him too.

He said, β€œLord, I believe; help my unbelief!” However, Jesus doesn’t rebuke him for his honesty. He delivers and heals the man’s son and teaches us a valuable lesson.

Even if there are gaps in our faith, there are no cracks in the faithfulness of God.

We see His faithfulness in Paul’s commitment to the Thessalonian church. When Paul was unable to visit, he sent Timothy to encourage them and keep them from “being shaken by the troubles they were going through.” (1 Thessalonians 3:2‭-‬3 NLT)‬‬‬‬

Because when troubles come, questions surface. Guilt starts assigning blame.

Fear taunts and gaps in our faith may happen.

However, faith tells us to move forward from the last time we believed God to it’s now time to believe God.

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 ESV)

Where do you go to fill the gaps in your faith?

I go to God in prayer. With Him, I know I’m fully seen, fully known and completely helped.

I go to the pages of Scripture to water my faith with truth, so it will grow deeply — even in times of trouble.

I go to my local church. As I hear Biblical teaching and preaching and share life with other believers, I realize I’m not the only one with gaps in my faith.

The more these go-to places become my dwelling places, the gaps in my faith begin to close. I learn how to overcome obstacles when temptations or troubles rise.

I reach for reassurance or perseverance and find God’s grace and truth.

Who do you long to see or pray for to help fill the gaps in their faith? You’re on my list today.

May every space between your life and God’s truth be filled with the knowledge of Him. May you be rooted and grounded in Christ and continue to grow.

Just in case you’re wondering, the gap in my smile is still here. It reminds me God’s grace fills every space bringing hope for the heart and joy to the soul.

Sharing is caring !
  1. adventureswithpapagod

    Yes girl!! I love this!!! β€œEven if there are gaps in our faith, there are no cracks in the faithfulness of God.” Wow. Powerful. I am blessed by this and needed this word today.

    1. Praise God for the encouragement He provides. He always meets us where we are!

  2. This is so important to be aware of! I want God to call me a woman after his heart because my whole heart serves him, but I am so often blind to my own gaps.

    1. Hi Danell! You bring up a good point. Faith gaps are often the blind spots in our walk with the Lord.

  3. There are so many famous people with physical gaps but full beauty! Love this post, Joy. “Filling the gaps in someone’s faith is the epitome of encouragement.” Amen.

    1. Thanks Lisa! Your posts fill a lot of faith gaps too!

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