How we define a thing means everything. Life’s difficulties can be traps for self-pity or they can be triumphs in the making. A setback can take us back to repeat our mistakes or to discover a new life lesson. And what we label as a bad day or even a bad week, may not be that bad at all. The “bad week” example wove itself into a recent conversation with a friend. You can listen in.
Anna: How are you doing?
Me: It’s been a bad week.
Anna: Who told you that?
Shock settled upon my face. I didn’t expect Anna to go into detective mode. But her caring and her curiosity were welcome. So I paused and admitted who labeled my week “bad.” I told her it was me.
Me: I’ve had some heavy emotions sit with me over the last few days.
Anna: Well, they can visit but you don’t have to let them stay.
Her response gave me room to grow. I realized it’s not a good idea to define “good days” solely based on how I feel. A good day can be so much more than a feeling. It’s also how I choose to function. It helps to remember prayer and praise are major mood-changers. (see Isaiah 61:3) I can also be kind toward others, help someone in need or sit somewhere peaceful and count my blessings.
With that in mind, how are you feeling or functioning these days? Go ahead and release a heavy sigh or say a hallelujah.
You may have your own share of labels you’d apply to the last few days, last few weeks or the last year.
If it’s a gift, celebrate. But If it feels like something less, it doesn’t have to stay that way.
We can try to function with the weight of our worries upon us or we can choose to function with the peace Christ gives. (John 14:27) Sometimes I need help with that. Maybe you do too. Perhaps you have a friend like Anna. Maybe you don’t.
"But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God." (Psalm 146:5 NLT)

I’m glad He sent Anna and her detective skills. It led me to unpack the heavy emotions of fear, sadness, and anxiety. Each one came “to visit” with its own brand of bad news. Fear told me something awful would happen. Sadness said something awful had already happened. Anxiety tried to convince me there was nothing I could do about what was happening.
When I let those messages sit with me, I know they are part of the human experience. There is very little in life we can control. But Christ came so we could have a redemptive existence — a life that is full and meaningful. (John 10:10-11) Because of Him, there is another choice.
I can acknowledge how an experience feels, without getting lost in all the “ifs, ands, or buts” the experience brings.
You don’t have to get lost in messy messages either my friend. God is always in control. Some days, I say this reality out loud — just in case any “heavy emotions” need to hear it. It gives them a proper exit. As I showed them the door, my day got a new label.
Good. That’s right GOOD. Because with God, all things are possible. He is my Helper. I hope you’re having a good day too.
Pray with me: Dear God, Thank You for allowing the human experience to go beyond our limitations. Through Christ, all things become new. As I release my cares to You, new levels of courage, joy and peace come to me. I rest easy knowing You are in control. Thank You for being my Helper in all things. I choose to receive every bit of help your grace gives, in Jesus’ name, amen.
Joy to the Soul: “But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God.” (Psalm 146:5 NLT)
Lisa notes...
I’ve had a very hard week myself, but you’re right that I don’t have to linger in the heavy emotions. I can feel them, release them, and feel new ones. When the sad ones come back, rinse and repeat. God will eventually clean me out. 🙂
Hi Lisa! I’m sorry to hear you had a tough week as well. But as you said, when it comes to heavy emotions we can “feel them, release them and feel new ones.” I’m believing God for release and renewal for us all. Thanks my friend!
Lynn J Simpson
It’s wonderful to have wise friends help us see a new perspective that brings us toward what also God wants us to know–He’s in control and He is our helper!
Yes, He is in control Lynn! I’m so grateful for His help!