Promising. It’s the word that comes to mind when we sense the potential of a person, an opportunity, or a place. The promise lies in the possibility that with a few wise steps, proper timing, or some elbow grease the diamond in the rough can become a dazzling gem.
But our lives don’t magically morph into their optimal state. In fact, I don’t know anything or anyone who does. The road to realizing our God-given potential may appear cracked along the way. However, I believe these gaps are opportunities for us to see God, others, and ourselves in a much different light
Trusting God puts us on His path to fulfilling our potential. The path may not include our preferences but it does include His faithfulness.
β Joy A. Williams (@joytothesoul) October 28, 2014
The bible is filled with people who underwent preparation before they reached their full potential. We see Abram travel to a land he didn’t know and become Abraham, the father of a nation he couldn’t imagine. We see David go from shepherd boy to giant killer to king. We see Rahab go from prostitute to secret agent to being placed in the lineage of Christ.
If they could physically leap from their chapters and verses, what advice would they give us today? What is the one thing that allowed them to go to the next “to?” Thankfully we can read between the lines of their lives and hear them say, “Believe God.”
Abraham did it and it was credited to him as righteousness. (see Romans 4:1-3) David did it and he became a man after God’s own heart. (see Acts 13:22) Rahab did it and she received rescue from a troublesome lifestyle and a doomed city. (see Joshua 2)
What would be to our credit, who would we become, or what deliverance awaits us as you and I believe God? Like many others throughout history, Abraham, David, and Rahab learned that believing God requires trusting Him. Even as I write this post, I am thinking of specific ways that I need to trust Him more. You may have something in mind too. Let’s travel towards that trust together.
Believing God requires us to know the God we believe. Searching the scriptures for a principle or promise helps us to know God’s heart concerning a matter. We may not understand His timing or His choices but we can be confident of His heart towards us. (see John 3:16)
Believing God requires us to move from lip service to heart service. Like Abraham, it may require us to walk into the unknown. Like David, it may require us to face fear and watch God deliver us from our enemies. Like Rahab, it may require us to choose sides and see where we fit into His plan. (see James 2:17-19)
Believing God requires us to accept that He is in control. God’s glory and His sovereignty are both uniquely and completely His. As we seek to see our potential or the potential of someone we love fulfilled, we may have our own glorious ideas of how things should happen. But if we submit what we want to the sovereignty of God — for the glory of God — a testimony emerges. It might not be the testimony of our choice but it can become a testimony of God’s grace. (see Isaiah 48:10-12 and Isaiah 40:13-15)
So if you struggle with trusting the Almighty (and I admit sometimes I do), here’s some good news: trusting God puts us on — or returns us to — His path to fulfilling our potential. The path may not include our preferences but it does include His faithfulness and that brings hope to my heart and joy to my soul.
For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. – Philippians 1:6
What amazes you about the journey to fulfilling your God-given potential?
(Share your comment in the section below.)
christy mobley
Love this Joy! I see perseverance all over this.
Perseverance indeed. Thanks Christy!
Felicia Bryant-Sosa
What amazes me is that when I’m traveling through my life’s journey, and sometimes I feel that my plate’s too full, or I don’t know which direction to go next. God always presents a message. A song was playing before I got out of the car for Sunday School, “Jesus will work it out,” verse spoke about Job and his patience and trust in God. Sunday School Lesson title: “God’s in Control,” spoke about Job and his faithfulness and trust. Then there’s the Joytothesoul……
It sounds like God is leading you to connect some dots Felicia. How exciting! Just as important, it sounds like you are following where those “dots” are leading you in Him. Many blessings to you!