What if God gave you a big task — as in change the world kind of big? Who would you tell? What would you say? Is there something special you’d want to wear? Mary, the mother of Jesus, knew the fragile balance between being pregnant with God’s Promise without becoming prideful.

It’s an important principle to remember because we live in a haughty world. Our value is easily summed up by our appearance, accomplishments or our perceived flaws. But what would happen if we saw ourselves and other people through the eyes of God?

Mary remembered His tender mercies.

If she had a social media account, “lowly servant girl with a praising soul” would be a likely profile description. (Luke 1:46-50) Instead of announcing the details of her privilege to the masses, she “pondered these things in her heart.” (Luke 2:19)

Mary wore humility like a garment as she wrapped baby Jesus in swaddling cloths. This wasn’t a palatial scene. It was a pivotal one.

Because of our sin, we’ve all deserved harsh judgement. However, through Christ, God is gentle in His approach towards you and me. Jesus says,

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:29 ESV)

Gentleness flows from a heart acquainted with the heart of God.

Whether He entrusts us with something big or seemingly small, if we serve with humility, we just might change the world.

To read more posts in “The Fruit of the Spirit in Christmas” series go here.

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  1. Joy, a beautiful reflection! This inspires me to be more consistent in seeking the heart of God. Thank you.

    1. Hi Gail! I continue to learn the importance of continuously seeking Him too!

  2. “if we serve with humility” – Therein lies the hard part! 🙂 But it is the challenge given to all of us. Thanks, Joy!

    1. So true Lisa! The “if” is often the challenge!

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