Shining faith, the kind that stands strong in a crisis or points others to God’s grace in Christ is my daily goal. But sometimes I fall short. Thankfully, God continues the good work He began in my potentially faithful heart. If that’s you too, there is a lot for us to glean from this week’s guest writer, Bonnie Beardsley. The topic this week on the Joy to The Soul Summer series is “Having Faith to Shine Like the Sun.” Thanks Bonnie!
I love summer, as long as it is Arizona’s dry heat. But I live in Texas now and it is very humid. It’s changed how much time I can spend in the sun. With the humidity, it is a lot shorter.
However, one of my favorite verses is Judges 5:31 (NKJV), which compares the friends of God to the sun at its full strength.
“Thus let all Your enemies perish, O Lord! But let those who love Him be like the sun when it comes out in full strength.”
What happens if we love God with all of our heart? Let’s look at what happens to a person when they’re exposed to the sun at its full power.
The first thing that comes to my mind is it creates thirst.
The dry heat causes a thirst only water can quench. Likewise, we are to create a thirst for God with everyone we meet and lead them to Jesus, the Living Water.
I had a friend, who was curious about why I didn’t pray to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Through my intense study of the Bible, I was able to share John 14:6, where Jesus stated He was the only way to the Father.
We need to soak up God’s Word to give the living water to those who thirst for more of knowing Christ.
The strength of the sun can be used to purify an object.
I remember when I was in first grade, I had the chicken pox. My mom found them when she parted my hair as she was getting me ready for school. It left a big scar on the top of my head.
At the time, I had a “Dick and Jane” book home from school. To make the book was chicken pox free, my mother set it out in the sun to disinfect it.
As we love like Jesus does, it draws people to Him.
They can also experience the Son’s light purifying them of their sin.
Sunshine heals.
I know about the warnings for skin cancer through overexposure to the sun; but it can also heal. I’ve fought MRSA Staph for most of my life. Antibiotics did nothing for it. After seeing my current doctor, I added a healing regiment of sun exposure for ten to fifteen minutes. The next day the color had faded and shrunk considerably.
We are to help heal those who have a broken heart or wounded relationships by exposing them to the Son, the Great Physician, through our actions and our words as a reflection of His love.
The sun strengthens the very core of our body.
It helps make Vitamin D, which in turn makes a natural steroid that strengthens the body – in the immune system and our bones.
There are many reports of athletes using the sun to strengthen their bodies. As the body of Christ, His followers are strengthened as we seek unity with each other. (see Ephesians 4:12-13).
My preference for the dry heat of Arizona over the humidity of Texas, reminds me pure air is best and so is a pure heart. If we are bitter, angry, jealous or have a hidden agenda – these emotions eclipse the Son in us and make us less effective messengers for God. So this summer when we’re out in the golden rays, may love of the Son come shining through!
Debra Jean
I love the sun and summer too! I don’t care what the humidity is, hot summers are my thing. At least until chronic migraines keep me hiding in the dark. After reading this, I know that I am going to have to find some way to soak up some sun and Son this summer. To enjoy, to heal and to grow. Great post, Many Thanks 8)
Thank you for you kind words. I too have sought the dark room for a migraine. Mozart playing softly in the background has helped me. I’ll be praying for you and that they will cease like mine have.
Hi Debra! There’s so much to love about summer. Join us for the rest of this series for more on how to soak up some sun and the Son this summer!
Being Woven
Bonnie, this is a good lesson for spending time USED to be my desire in the summers for I spent many summers of my life living in So. California where I was born (as a Navy kid). BUT…I have had 3 bouts with Basal Cell carcinoma from all that sun so now I do not purposely sit in the sun. Yes, I mow and do things in the wonderful sun but I am careful now. I, too, live in Texas…East Texas now from the Gulf Coast of TX. Yes, the humidity is a harsh reality. But, I know Jesus and no matter where I live I, too, want Him, the Word, the Life, the Truth baked into my very being. I am grateful we are sisters, Bonnie.
Thank you sweet sister. I love that we can open our doors and walk out into a sauna during the summers here in TX. Praying that you will have no more Basal Cell Carcinomas.
I’m glad you and Bonnie are making the most of the Texas heat, while taking the necessary precautions. I want “the Word, the Life and the Truth baked into my very being” too!
Yes, Bonnie, the sun does manufacture Vitamin D through the skin. This summer my daughter Kristin Renee cannot get out like she so desperately wants and needs to, so she takes Vitamin D tablets prescribed by the doctor. But I know that the sun strengthens body and mood. Also, in the description of Christ as judge, John tells us that “… his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength…”
Hi Lucille, thank God for the sun and Vitamin D tablets! I aim to get my share of both, daily. Ultimately, having the Son in our hearts brings the most vitality to our lives. May we each experience His strength to shine for Him!
Crystal Russell
Love the connection of the sun healing and how The Son is healing for our spirit.
I love that healing connection too. Thanks for stopping by Crystal!