Listening to music as I cook or as I drive makes a task feel less like a task. The lyrics or the rhythm create a vibe to enhance the experience. Sometimes, I crank up the volume. But as we walk by faith, the things we want the most becomes the loudest voice we hear. If our doubts have their say, they can rattle our faith. I would know. I’ve had a rattle or two (hundred).

We may not say our doubts out loud. But God is still aware of our struggle.

He knows when we wonder how He will move in our lives. He longs for our trust as we wait. Even as you read these words, you may have your own dilemma causing you distress. What will or won’t happen, or who will or who won’t come through, can bring troubling thoughts to the mind.

But years ago, I read a verse that assured me.

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” (Psalm 94:19 NLT)

Doubt causes me to bounce between my feelings, the facts, and my faith. The psalmist’s words are an honest and welcome declaration. He put an end to the bounce by saying his faith rattling moment out loud. He owns how much space his doubts took up in his mind (pretty much all of it).

Many of us can relate to the psalmist. Yet, like him, we can turn down the volume on our doubts by leaning into the power of God.

As our Creator and Redeemer, His comfort is meant to be our renewed hope and cheer. Maybe you can use both of those today. The blanket of God’s presence and the provision of His grace in Christ wraps around every believing soul. (see Colossians 1:21-23) But tying our faith to the facts hitches them to the constant flux of our feelings. With every twist and turn of our circumstances our trust in God bends with what we see or don’t see.

But our doubts are not just random thoughts attacking our faith. They are often real concerns revealing our angst. I love how God welcomes us to cast our cares on Him because He cares for us. (see Peter 5:6-7) And yet, the casting only happens when we trust in His care.

When I take the time to honestly deal with my doubts, eventually, the promises of God come through loud and clear. Then faith fills my heart. Peace grips my mind. (see Romans 10:16-17 and Philippians 4:6-7) The facts don’t lose their importance. But I see them as an important part of the testimony God is forming in me.

In the kitchen, on the road or in a crisis, I continue to learn how to turn down the volume on my doubts. Instead of expecting the worst, I choose to anticipate God. He’ll show up when and how He deems best. It’s always the best way for us to know and trust Him more. New hope and cheer will come. May this remain our great comfort.

“When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” (Psalm 94:19 NLT)

Sharing is caring !


  1. I loved this post today, Joy, and so needed it! This whole summer of loud and noisy home improvements has caused me to stress and the volume of the doubts have been blaring! I have so missed my quiet time with God…as it is what truly keeps me stabilized, serene, at peace, and leaves no room for doubt!
    I began to doubt my own sanity! But your words today have given me comfort and encouragement. I will trust in Him as I wait…bless you dear friend! And knowing you are in NC, I pray you, family and friends are ok and made it through Helene with no tragedies. I know parts of NC were hit so hard! It was’t bad here in my county, but close neighboring counties and neighborhoods suffered greatly. But I know God is in control and trust His plans and His timing for all things. And I started “It’s Time to Fly” on my Bible App today and I can already tell it is going to be such a blessing! I also read the 5 things you love about fall and I am looking so forward to sweater weather and curling up with a blanket, with my Bible, and with God!
    Praying my house will be back in order and my sanity restored! Blessings for a most happy fall season for you too!!

  2. Hi Kathy! I’m glad this post encouraged you! I’m also glad to hear your home improvement project is progressing — slowly but surely. I also hope you enjoy reading my 7-day Bible reading plan, “It’s Time to FLY.” May it lead to many moments of you enjoying time with God. Blessings to you in this season and beyond!

    If anyone else wants the link for IT’S TIME to FLY on the YouVersion Bible App, here you go:

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