an eagle flying in the sky

This month I’m taking the #write31days challenge and I’m excited about the journey ahead. Each day I’ll share a post, picture, or quote with an emphasis on learning how to:

Fear not, Lean hard and Yield completely

on our journey with God. 

I discovered the need for a flight plan as my family struggled during the 2008 recession. With a pending foreclosure on my back and a bank account on empty, I needed a fresh perspective. I was already a Christ follower, but I was about to discover my wings.

My quiet times in prayer and bible study became a spiritual tarmac.

Initially, I’d show up with a list of reasons why I’d grown tired and afraid. As I gave God the details, He’d give me relief. The respite lasted a few days, until new reasons showed up or old ones resurfaced. Each time they convinced me to cancel my flight.

Prior to the recession, we’d been financially secure for the most part. But two years of living on little or no paycheck took the wind out of me. By God’s grace, I continued to open my bible to dig for encouragement.

One day, I hit a virtual gold mine in Isaiah 40. By the time I reached verse 31, my wings began to tingle.

β€œBut those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” 

Over the years, I’d read this verse many times. I’d read analogies about the eagle and our faith. But I’d never heard God’s invitation so clearly: β€œIt’s time to FLY.” Whether you’re a fan of acronyms or not, this one was life changing:

Fear not. Lean hard. Yield completely.

I wanted a sizable gust of godly wind to lift me off the ground. Instead, these three simple phases offered significant transformation.  As I committed to “trust in the Lord,” layers of fear, self-sufficiency and resistance to His grace began to peel away.

Thankfully, we’ve recovered from the recession, but the FLYing process continues. Each level holds an invitation to trust in the One who has already Risen. If you feel like your faith needs a lift, join me for the next 30 days to receive your flight plan too.

To follow along, sign-up for emails, bookmark the #ItsTimetoFLY page and use the gallery, or join me on Twitter or Facebook.

Here’s what you can expect each week in October:

Scripture to Stand On SUNDAYS
A Scripture to focus on (and memorize) for the week

More grace for FLYing MONDAYS
A post to nudge us towards flight

Quotes and questions to β€œtest” our willingness to FLY

Wind for our Wings WEDNESDAYS
Encouragement to go higher than our current position

Think About It THURSDAYS
A post to prompt deeper reflection on FLYing

Frequent FLYer FRIDAYS
The rewards and lessons learned from staying the course

Rest in the Savior SATURDAYS
Quotes or scriptures to encourage us to lean on and love Jesus

Also, be on the lookout for giveaways and opportunities to share your thoughts, prayer requests or new insights from your journey. Let's pray and believe God to reveal His heart and strengthen our wings.

 I look forward to seeing where we land

the more we learn how to FLY!

(Feel free to copy and share this “ticket” to invite your friends to FLY too!)

Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear

GIVEAWAY!!! Post a comment anytime this week (between day 1 and day 7 of this series) and enter a drawing for Fearless by Max Lucado! Comments must be entered by 8:00 pm on Friday, 10/07/2016 to be eligible. Only one entry per person. The winner will be announced on Saturday, 10/08/2016.

Sharing is caring !
  1. Joy, you are so creative. I love how your mind thinks, and how the Lord is using you with this theme! Off we go into the wild blue yonder…..

    1. Thanks Karen! I’m super excited about what the Lord has in store for us all. Wild blue yonder, here we come!

  2. Looking forward to this journey!

    1. Hi Hope! Thanks for joining me on this journey. Blessings to you!

  3. Awesome challenge! I know U have the faith and energy to encourage your readers to land in places that will glorify God. I have my ticket and looking forward to discovering scriptures to help me fly above my challenges and trials. Love you much sister, aka Aunt Jackie

    1. Thanks Jackie! Your kind and encouraging words get my wings flapping! Praying each person on this journey will draw closer to God — going above our challenges and trials will be the added bonus. Love you too!

  4. Joy, I am very excited for you in your new journey for 31 days of blogging. I love love love acronyms. And I also love the new designer names you gave each day of the week so we know what to expect. This scripture was the wind beneath my wings during my unemployment journey. Although that was a very difficult time in my life, I came out stronger and ready for God’s new plans. I look forward to fearing not, leaning hard and yielding completely. Be Blessed!

    1. Hi Crystal! I’m glad Isaiah 40:31 taught you how to FLY too! I look forward to you joining me on the journey as I #write31days. Blessings to you too!

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