Ideally, motherhood, or the memory of our mother, reminds us of where life begins and love never ends. It’s the reason why we celebrate Mother’s Day. We joyfully plan celebrations or try to avoid all the fuss.

But eventually, we see the impact of how we were parented by whoever birthed us or raised us.

My heart carries great clarity. My mom loved us fiercely. She advised us wisely. The way she and our dad sacrificed comes to mind throughout the year. I know my experience falls into the category of the fortunate. But I also know the sudden loss of my mom. Our last phone conversation consisted of her plans to eat a bowl of soup. Hours later, another phone call came. It’s how I found out she died.

Soon after, I made it back home. I was drawn to the kitchen where I grew up. I’d tucked my Bible under my arm like a sacred security blanket. I held it a little tighter as I sat in the chair beneath the phone on the wall. The chair was my mom’s maternal perch. From there, she talked to family, friends, and many souls she left with a smile. As I wondered if I would smile again, these words from Scripture gave me a reason.

“Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless” (Isaiah 40:28-29 ESV).

It was comforting to see how God provides for the “weak” and “powerless.” Those words described me that day. The description stuck with me for a while.

But as bleak as grief can be, hope sits with us in the painful silence. It hovers and hints at the beauty of another day. Hope invites us to see something more than what is lost.

And yet, each day, my mom’s absence is palpable. But God’s Word spoke to my weariness. It still does. As the Creator of all the earth, He is where life begins and love never ends.

Nurture is the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something. I hope my son senses God’s nurture through me and my husband. And when we miss the mark, I pray we each experience God’s nurture in how we each need to grow. By now, you’re probably thinking of your own nurturing experiences.

But whatever you feel about your mother, your child, or your desire for a child, the everlasting God carries you. He strengthens us and secures us with His love. So whatever blessings you hold dear, let gratitude lift you. Whatever burdens hold you down, lift them up to God. On Mother’s Day and every day may we know that His nurture never ends.

Sharing is caring !


  1. Oh dear Joy, how I can so relate to losing your mom, as I lost mine in 2001. Oh, how I miss every day and Mother’s Day is such a day of longing for her. As they say, if one could die from a broken heart, I would have gone right after she did. I honestly didn’t know how I was going to live without her. I always thought I was strong and somewhat independent, but when I lost mom, I crumbled into a heap of nothingness. For six very long years, I grieved. I was good for no one, not even myself. I knew I loved my mom so deeply, but until she was gone, I didn’t realize the depth of my dependence on her. But from where I am today, I know that God reached down and carried me through all my pain. And He has again, given me strength and joy and I try to honor my mom by living with all the wonderful things she taught me. She and dad taught me about God! And I loved your words, “God is where life begins and love never ends!” I know my beloved Mom is in Heaven! God is so alive in my heart and through God she is alive in my heart also! Praise His Holy Name! With God, love truly never ends!
    And Joy, I must thank you from the bottom of my heart, for your kindness in offering me to join you, for free, on your zoom live broadcast for “Joy to the Soul! I was so very touched and humbled by your offer…and yet my email isn’t working and I was not able to let you know how grateful I was and so wanted to attend and get to meet you, greet you and be apart of you and the others attending! I feel so bad, I couldn’t be with you and couldn’t let you know why. I am so very sorry, my dear friend. I am also so uneducated about all the technology we have available, and I could never figure out Zoom either. Just please know, I truly did want to join you and I was so sad, that I didn’t know how.
    I am praying I can learn how to zoom and pray I can join you next time. I would so love it, and know it would be so nourishing to my soul and my heart! Your blog, your plans on You Version Bible, and our conversations here, have been such blessings to me! You are such an inspiring pen-pal teacher and friend, but I do pray and hope to meet you through zoom in the near future! I pray blessings for your ministry and so hope you had a most beautiful and angelic Mother’s Day! Sending you love and hugs till we meet! God bless you, dear friend and Sister in Christ!

    1. Thanks for sharing your heart and your grief journey, Kathy. Like you, I am forever grateful to the Lord for His peace, comfort, and strength.

      Also, thanks for explaining how the challenges with technology kept you from attending Joy to the Soul Saturday. I understand! Please don’t feel bad about it. As the Lord leads, there will be another online event!

      Thanks again for your readership and engagement here on the blog. Blessings to you, Kathy!

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