Living from day to day can stir our sense of adventure or highlight our struggles. This week’s post focuses on the adventurous part. My friend and author, Taura Glaze shows us how in her new book, Wonder, Finding Light in Life’s Interruptions. It takes us on a perspective shifting journey. We may look at life with a casual glance or with a gaze we want to avoid. Taura invites us to look through the lens of seeing and seeking God. As you read our conversation, you may gain a new perspective too.
JOY: Taura, your book lives at the intersection of how we can experience God in life’s interruptions. Other than disruption, what are some of the ways we can look at the unexpected or even the unwanted?
TAURA: Hi Joy! Thanks for having me! For many of us, we like to be in control. But at best, we just think we’re in control. As much as we try to dodge interruptions to our well thought out plans, they happen. When they do, seeing them as disruptions alone can put us at a disadvantage. Instead, what if we saw interruptions as invitations to grow in our willingness to trust God?
Choosing to trust Him, includes knowing He can use the disruption. His plans always serve a purpose where we can experience His protection, divine connections and growth opportunities. In Wonder, I discuss how one way to look at interruptions is to see them as God’s tap on the shoulder.
As an event grabs our attention, a lesson ensues. We can approach interruptions asking, “God, what are you doing in this situation?” Not only will we find answers, we’ll also discover how to see God in the midst of disruptions. As He reveals Himself, we can receive His peace and His joy.
JOY: You invite us to “listen to our lives” at the end of each chapter. Why is this practice essential?
TAURA: The invitation to listen to our lives is to practice the discipline of reflection. Reflection brings awareness to what’s in and around us. This discipline also provides insight, wisdom and confidence for where we are headed. The idea of “listening to our lives” reminds me of young David when he boldly volunteers to fight Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:36.
When Saul questions David’s ability to fight the giant, David responded, “Your servant has killed both lion and bear.” David links his time in the field killing the lion and bear as preparation for him to face Goliath. When we listen to our lives, like David, we also notice our life events are not isolated. God can use it all! He can take any situation to speak to His children through the course of our everyday life.

JOY: In chapter 10, “Take the Plunge: Fear Interrupted,” I love how you show us how to interrupt what’s hindering us. What are some crucial steps in making this pivot?
TAURA: I love that angle as well! It was a delight to see Chapter 10 develop. It discusses how we have the power to interrupt what tries to strangle our faith. This is liberating within itself! Yet, in order to make a pivot from fear to faith, courage has to be employed in the presence of fear. This also requires us to revisit areas of our lives where we faced defeat in the past.
But eventually, we can display unrelenting confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit. He promises to provide His help for us to “take the plunge.” (see John 14:25-27)
JOY: Thank you for sharing Wonder with us Taura! What are the takeaways you want readers to have after reading your book?
TAURA: My desire for readers is summed up in the introduction of the book. I want them to know, without a doubt, that God speaks to them. He is active and present in their lives. I pray they are able to discern His activity. Ultimately, I desire for each reader’s relationship with God to grow deeper, as a result of their experience in His Wonder!

Taura Glaze loves Jesus, her family, people, adventure and food! She finds joy in teaching the Bible and encouraging others to lean into a real and personal relationship with God. In 2016 Taura received her Masters of Divinity; she is a licensed minister, spiritual director and the founder of LightBulb Experiences, where she creates content and organizes experiences that foster growth in Christ.
You can find her reading, journaling, traveling, laughing, minding her business and living her life with family, friends and strangers. Connect with Taura on her website, Facebook, Instagram, or on her Author’s page!
Comment on this week’s post and ENTER A DRAWING TO WIN A FREE COPY OF WONDER! One entry per commenter. All eligible comments must be entered by Monday, June 6, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. ET. The winner (must be located in the continental U.S.) will be announced on June 8, 2022!
Tamsie Aalbu
Sounds like a fantastic book!
Yes it is, Tamsie! Taura is a great storyteller who weaves scriptural insights into each chapter.
Taura Glaze
Joy, I am grateful for you, my friend! Thank you!
Taura Glaze
Thanks, Tamsie!
If you decide to read Wonder, I pray you experience the Lord in those pages:)
Reomona Thomas
Great conversation and much needed!! I am finally at a point in my life where I have stopped asking why so much and I just learn to look at the situation and ask what can I learn from this.
Hi Reomona! It’s taken me a while to move from “why” to “what” too!
Taura Glaze
Thanks for sharing, Reomona! I find myself asking that question more and more everyday. I find that asking that questions helps me to keep my eyes on God and provides the opportunity to trust Him to use “it” all.
Gail Burke
Min. Joy and Min. Taura: What a thrill to read this provocative exchange between you two anointed authors! It’s so challenging to see life’s interruptions from God’s perspective. But I must try to remember that it is this very perspective that brings us closer to His heart.
Hi Gail! I love what you said bout seeing interruptions from God’s perspective. Yes, we “must try to remember that it is this very perspective that brings us closer to His heart.”
Taura Glaze
You are right, Gail! When we have something in mind and it doesn’t go our way, it can be challenging to see how it’s going to work out. These moments have presented opportunities to trust God in my own life. As I reflect on these times I am amazed at how God moved in those moments…like Joy says often…”He’s a Wonder”!
Lucille Gaither
It’s hard for me to see chapters in life as interruptions when our God sees the end from the beginning. In other words, everything is in the present with God. At once. Because time was created for man, not God. He is eternal. God always has existed; exists now; and he always will exist. So as I see chapters in my own life, I believe that they were his plan all along. Divine. Whether I knew beforehand, or not. Actually, many times, I did not see God’s plan coming. Divorce. Death of my firstborn. Disease. Actually, these were surprise times when God taught me to trust him. Taught other things, too, i.e. about himself, his performance of his word, persons, future, and more. And He is teaching, still. The goal is spiritual maturity. God is the divine teacher. And as a crossover with a Joy to the Soul minute: Trusting, “He has no equal.” A true observation. As Moses and David wrote, “Who is like unto thee.”
Hi Lucille! Like you, I’m often amazed (and grateful) at how God is in the details of our lives. I continue to grow in trusting Him. I’m so glad He is patient with me.
Thanks for including the reference to the Joy to the Soul minute!😊
Taura Glaze
Hi Lucille!
So true! That reminds me of Psalm
139:16 when David says, “…In Your book they were all written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet they were none of them.” While life happenings may catch us off guard, God, already knew (knows) what we would (will) experience. I am grateful for the ways that I’ve experienced God’s love, care and faithfulness in life’s experiences that were totally not on my radar, or in those outcomes that weren’t apart of my plan. Like you, God has used those time to deepen my trust in Him – like Joy, I continue to grow in trusting Him.