I’m one of “those” moms — the kind who sings in places my teenage son wishes I wouldn’t.
Ryan: Come on Mom, we’re in the mall!
Me: But I love this song!
Ryan: [whispering] Come on Mom, we’re in the movies!
Me: [whispering back] But it’s part of the soundtrack.
Ryan: Come on Mom, do you have to sing?
Me: But it’s just you and me in the car!
You get the idea. He objects. I sing anyway.
It is hard to hit the mute button in me when I hear certain songs. This includes almost anything by Lauren Daigle or Mary Mary. If you’re familiar with either of these artists, you may understand my groove.
I’m drawn to what I sing because the lyrics or the beat stirs something within me. However, certain songs make my playlist for life. Not just because of the way they make me feel; but because they speak life to me.
Apparently, David, the writer of many of the Psalms felt the same way. This is what he said about God’s word:
Your decrees have been the theme of my songs wherever I have lived. – Psalm 119:54
Like David, I’ve lived a lot of places. My geographic relocations were due to my husband’s military and civilian careers.
But emotionally, I’ve been all over the map.
Although most of my days have been spent on pleasant plains, sometimes I’ve landed in a valley of despair or camped out in fear. Yet, David reminds us God’s declarations are the best place to abide.
How would you describe the playlist of your life?
What song would top the chart of where you are right now?
We can relate to a song for many reasons. But for David, God’s decrees were like music to his ears.
I want that music too. When faced with a decision, I want God’s word to be the lyrics of my counsel. In difficult times I long to experience its crescendo of comfort. During times of struggle, I need its tune to lead me in triumph.
The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. – Psalm 28:7
You satisfy me more than the richest feast. I will praise you with songs of joy. — Psalm 63:5
For you are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory. – Psalm 32:7
If you’re need a new song to encourage you, here’s some good news: Songs of thanksgiving, joy and victory make a great soundtrack. We can burst out singing the moment we want deliverance. Then the thing that has us bound meets the Christ who sets us free. Those are songs even my son would love, because they always bring hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
*All Scriptures are from the New Living Translation (NLT)
Karen Foster
“Christ who sets us free.”
That’s a great fact to remember since we just celebrated our nation’s Independence. Fireworks in the sky can’t hold a candle to the marvel when Christ returns in the clouds! That’s something to sing about!
Amen Karen – what a wonderful analogy!
Rahama Harewood
Experienced deliverance through song on Sunday! You explained it beautifully ! Sing Joy, sing!!
Wow – God is faithful to put us in the atmosphere where we can hear His rhythm alone. What a joy and deliverance it brings! Yes, I will keep singing Rahama. I hope you do too!