Fall is the season of color gone wild. Depending on where you live, it may take a few weeks for the reds, golds, and greens to hit their stride. But it is worth the wait. As I ran a few errands (and mentally did my “Fall is here” happy dance) I came across a local pumpkin stand.
We all know the orange variety. But nestled in between the familiar shades were white, blueish-green and peach colored pumpkins. These interesting options brought new possibilities to the usual pumpkin recipes.
As I spoke with the stand’s owner she explained the difference. It seems the lesser known colors are mostly just for show.
The only exception is the peach-colored pumpkin (pictured here in the foreground.) They have a level of sweetness the orange pumpkins lack. She said they make the best tasting pies of all.
I resisted the urge to experiment with this new pumpkin. But I couldn’t resist making the connection between the assorted pumpkins and the human experience. Our commonality is important. It allows us to empathize with and appreciate one another. But what makes us unique makes us special.
What makes you special? Is there a life experience, character trait or talent that makes you to stand out in the crowd? Sometimes what makes us unique is something others value. However, sometimes our special is our “different” and the value of it is yet to be discovered.
Whatever keeps us from blending into the crowd can serve as the boldest statement of God’s redemptive power. To make my point, here are a few volunteers.
In Luke 7:36-50, a woman with a bad reputation entered a room full of her critics. However, she cared far more for her Savior than she cared about their opinions. Her tears, her hair, and an expensive oil were used to express her worship. Christ gave her His approval and He also gave her a new legacy.
In Luke 19:1-10, Zacchaeus was a man of small stature; but he had a big idea. He climbed to the top of a sycamore tree so he could see Jesus pass through the town. To his surprise, Jesus saw him and came to his house that day. Zacchaeus nor his household would ever be the same.
In John 6:1-12, the multitude followed Jesus because they were hungry for signs. Eventually, they also became hungry for food. With over 5000 people to feed, the disciples could have used some of those peach-colored pumpkins. But a young boy’s lunch was the only snack around. He gave it to Jesus. The boy’s sacrifice was multiplied and the masses were fed.
What’s unique about your past, your appearance, or your present predicament? How could surrendering it to God impact your legacy, your household or the masses?
I admit there are times when I want distance from what distinguishes me. But I’m learning that God can use anything to make a difference both in and through my life.
If that’s you too, here’s some good news: God’s grace is best seen when we’re outcast, out of options or undone. There’s nothing like His grace and there’s no one like you.
So the next time you feel like being “different” is not a good thing, say hello to your grace magnet. It is the place in your life where you need God the most. Trust Him to transform you and to take your “different” and make a difference in the world. The results may surprise you. And they just might help someone else find hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
“We, on the other hand, continue to live through the Spirit’s power and wait confidently in the hope that things will be put right through faith. Here’s the thing: in Jesus the Anointed whether you are circumcised or not makes no difference. What makes a difference is faith energized by love.” – Galatians 5:6-7 The Voice
christy mobley
Love this Joy. “What’s unique about your past, your appearance, or your present predicament? How could surrendering it to God impact your legacy, your household or the masses?” So good.
We are all so different and have much to offer.
Thanks Christy! As I stood there looking at the pumpkins, the beauty of being different really got my attention — and my appreciation.
Crystal Dawn Murphy
I echo Christy Mobley’s sentiments. I love the line. It says it all!
Thanks Crystal!
Rahama Harewood
All I can say is “awesome!” A godly perspective on our uniqueness!
I’m glad you enjoyed this post Rahama. Thanks for stopping by!