On a special Sunday in May, many countries celebrate moms. I miss mine. Her legacy lingers long in the lives of her children, grandchildren and beyond. She taught me to sit up straight and stand up to bullies. Through her example, I learned to walk with dignity and a sense of purpose.

But when my body didn’t cooperate with my motherhood wishes, the fragile part of my journey began. I recall times when Mother’s Day was bittersweet. Gratitude filled my heart for my own mother while grief reminded me of my unfulfilled dream.
After many years and much grace, I became a mom. The gift of our son was worth the wait. But the fierce part of my journey began. Seemingly, each phase of my child’s life revealed my desire to safeguard his well-being. But it also involved trudging through tough lessons when things didn’t go as well as we hoped.
Where are you on your parenting journey, in the fierce or fragile part? We may feel a combination of both. Children can melt a parent’s heart with their smile. But life can come at us hard, or a child can break our heart with their choices. Yet all the while, I sense a mantra hard-wired within…
This post is a special Mother’s Day feature. I’m honored to share it on “Her View from Home.” To continue reading more of this post, click here for “The Fierce and Fragile Heart of a Mother.”

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