“The hardest part of learning is unlearning.” – Andrew Murray

Years ago, I wanted to learn to play the guitar. The opportunity came as Brady and I had dinner at another couples’ home. When the host brought out his guitar, I knew this was my chance.  After he gave me a few basic instructions, I began to strum away.

But the tightness of the strings felt coarse against my fingertips. Eventually, the size of the guitar felt awkward and I gave up.

I thought I wanted to learn, but I also thought it would be easy. Most life-changing lessons are not. I needed to learn that.

What do you want to achieve?  Does it require you to learn a new concept, a skill or a person? The next step may be to unlearn — or in other words, be teachable.

Old habits may seem harmless until they hold us back from the life we’re meant to live.

But is it the life we want to live?

If we want to get to know different people or a different culture, we may need to unlearn fears and stereotypes.

If we want to improve our health, finances or relationships, we may need to unlearn indifference or a lack of self-control.

If we want to explore a new interest or embrace a new season, we may need to unlearn living in our comfort zone.

Making a significant change requires a significant change in our perspective.

Not all of our old scripts are bad. But they are all tested by life’s storms. Here are a few of my past repeated lines.

When someone hurts me, shut down.

When life taste bitter, eat something sweet.

Basically, when the pressure is on, pout.

“Pressure can bust pipes, but it can also make diamonds.” – Robert Horry

Frustration and disappointment builds-up in the “pipe” of a stubborn heart. However, under the same pressure, a teachable heart builds diamonds.

Maybe that’s why diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Each shimmering lesson reveals the next step I should take. And yet, I need to remain teachable every step of the way.

I don’t want to ever stop learning. It’s how we grow and keep moving forward.

But as new information floods the brain, new choices fill the heart. We constantly choose who or what will teach us. I’ve learned from my mentors and my mistakes. But my best Teacher is the Messiah. Here’s what He says:

“I will show you what itโ€™s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then follows it. It is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built.”  Luke 6:47-48 NLT

As troubles rise and break against my life, the quality of my foundation is fully seen. If I’ve chosen well, I’ll stand. If not, I’ll regret I didn’t choose better.

Regret is the soul’s reflex to poor choices.

When we agree we can make wiser ones.

I may struggle with what I don’t know or what Iโ€™ve done wrong, but there’s no change until I do what is right. For that bravado this former “guitar player” needs God to change the way I think. It’s a good next step for anyone who wants hope for the heart and joy to the soul.


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  1. Be teachable! I love this! Oh, the unlearning can be so difficult but so needed in our walk with the Lord. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind…something we need to do on a daily basis. Thank you for these reminders in your post. Linking up with Purposeful Faith. Blessings to you!

    1. Hi Tammy! I’m glad you enjoyed this post. In Christ, the transformation is ongoing. Thankfully, His grace sustains us. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Great post! I hope you’ll come link it up on Mondays @ Soul Survival this week.

    1. Thanks Donna! I’ll check out the Soul Survival Linkup! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hmm food for thought. I’ll ask the Best Teacher what He’d like me to unlearn so I can learn His curriculum. thanks, joy!

    1. Hi Sue! That’s a great question to ask the Best Teacher. Trusting you’ll have a wonderful result!

      1. Dear Joy, I love the way you said making a change means making a change in perspective ( and usually priorities, and attitudes ). It’s all about trusting that God has something better for us. Thanks for the encouragement and blessings from your neighbor at Holley’s

        1. Hi Alice. The more I desire godly transformation, the more I experience Him changing my perspective. You are absolutely right — trusting Him is key! Thanks for stopping by!

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