I recently saw the movie Belle. Based on a true story, Dido Elizabeth Belle is the biracial child of a black slave and an English aristocrat. Her mother dies and her dutiful father sees to it that Belle is given a life of privilege despite the racial tensions of her times. Set in 18th century England, Dido is not just torn between two worlds — she is torn between proving her worth or just living it.
Our interaction with people can carry a balance sheet mentality – if we assign pluses or minuses based on what we feel they have to offer.
β Joy A. Williams (@joytothesoul) September 30, 2014
Although her plight occurred centuries ago, her issue is very present day. We live in a society where individual worth is perceived and not intrinsically given. News outlets often lead with stories that tell us how the value of an individual is easily discarded. But in God’s eyes every life has value, regardless of ethnic, socioeconomic, and countless other factors. However, our interaction with people can carry a balance sheet mentality — if we assign pluses or minuses based on what we feel they have to offer.
As a result, like Dido, you and I may feel the pressure of proving ourselves too. The expectations are great and seemingly unending. If we are smart, we should have a high G.P.A. Attractive, we should have lots of admirers. Wise, we should dispense counsel to the masses. Athletic, we should compete at the highest level. The list goes on and on. And we can go on and on trying to prove our worth.
It’s easy to fall into the rut of trying to prove ourselves when we don’t know our true value.
Each hoop we jump through may become the justifiable means to bring us one step closer to acceptance and approval. The affirmation doesn’t have to last long; it just has to be loud enough so we can hear it and make sure that others hear it too.
If you’ve ever felt like you’ve landed on an unending proving ground, here’s some good news. Jesus rose above the crowd’s approval to fulfill the will of God. He lived what God said of Him in the Old and New Testaments. He didn’t yield to the temptation of making stones into bread. He took five loaves of bread and fed five thousand. He didn’t dress like a Jewish king, because His Kingdom is not of this earth.
What is the price of two sparrowsβone copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So donβt be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows. – Matthew 10:29-31
Rahama Harewood
Awesome and insightful!! As always Joy’s words are full of revelation and encouragement !!
Thanks Rahama. I’m glad this post was encouraging.
Joy I think of proving our worth like being hamsters running around in the wheel. Always running but not going anywhere. I am so grateful for God’s grace in giving us deliverance from having to prove our worth. Love you!
Barbara, the hamster running on the wheel is a good visual for proving our worth. Like you, I appreciate how the grace of God delivers us from the performance syndrome.