“Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare” (Psalms 40:5 NIV).
This verse is the foundation of my one-word this year. If you’re not familiar with the concept, near the end of the previous year, I seek God for His guidance in my choice. Sometimes, at first, it’s unclear. But then a word grabs my attention. It may happen while I’m in prayer. Often, clarity comes as I listen to a sermon or a song, or while I talk to a friend.
Some of my previous one-words include momentum, finishing, and last year’s word, redemption. Each word challenges me and infuses me with hope. But this year, my one-word was a complete surprise.
Drum roll, please. My one-word is WOW! I sense it’s a call to worship. Obviously, God is worthy of our awe, adoration, and praise. But I’m both excited and curious about how to keep my heart in a wow kind of posture.
If you have a theme, Scripture, or one-word for the year, how will you keep it in your sights?
I share my word with my husband, my prayer partner, and in spaces where I feel it will be supported (like on this blog). But the months ahead will require much focus. Here are a few ways I plan to keep mine.
- Using a journal, each week, I’ll reflect on how God has displayed His wonder. And yes, I will start my first sentence of each week with “Wow…!”
- I also included the word on my vision board for the year. It is prominently displayed with a neon yellow background. It is sure to grab my attention.
- I’ve started to memorize Psalm 40:5. Putting the verse on a sticky note on my nightstand and in my car helps.

To be clear, the point of the one-word concept is to help us develop a deeper connection to God. His Word is the source of life-giving truth.
The Scriptures drench us with wisdom and encouragement to live based on Christ’s redemption. But based on what happens in our lives, our focus may fail to have a filter. And yet, there is only one way we can bear much fruit.
Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 NIV).
John 15 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. I love the vineyard analogy, which shows us how to remain and abide in Christ. But He abides in us too. With a wow beating in my heart, I seek to remain in awe of Him. I know life can be unpredictable and put great demands on our faith. In fact, one year, life hit me so hard, I forgot my one-word by year’s end. It happened because without much focus, there was little fruit. But by God’s grace, we can check the filter of our focus.
Life’s demands only highlight our need to abide in Christ. As we do, much spiritual fruit is found in our knowing, trusting, and obeying Him.
So, consider your focus for the year. How will you find it or maintain it? How will your focus lead to more fruitfulness in your walk with God? Whatever word, theme, or goals you hold dear this year, I pray you’ll be encouraged.
By faith, I anticipate being wowed by God in all kinds of situations. And yet, come December, the praise in Psalms 40:5 will be just as true as it is on any day of any year. For “Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare” (Psalms 40:5 NIV).
Wow😊…This was an on time reminder this morning! God indeed is “worthy of our worship.” I have a situation that made me say “wow” Lord how are you going to do this? As I focus on my one word this year, which is believe, I’m confident that I’ll be saying wow, Lord, look at how you did it! And so, here we go! Thanks Joy!
Hi Taura! Believe is a wonderful one-word! Thanks for sharing your “wow” moment! I join you in being confident in the Lord and believing many more wows await you this year!
Allene C Brailsford Blanding
Joy thank you for sharing your one word or phrase for this year! I love that you chose WOW! God is amazing and I am in Awe of his grace and mercy daily so I get your WOW concept.
My phrase or word for this year is New24! My family and I also create vision boards as we enter into the new year! New24 concept is how God will renew refresh and restore along with giving me a new desire to continue to serve him and others to the best of my abilities.
Keep encouraging and sharing your gifts with us Joy!
Thanks, Allene! What a powerful one-word, New24! May you and your family experience the splendor of God’s renewal and restoration in the days, months, and years to come!
Kathy Francescon
I LOVE YOUR POST TODAY, Joy! It gave my heart and spirit such a needed lift!! Perhaps through you, God just blessed me with a WOW
moment of my own!! When I read your word of the year, for a moment I was surprised, a tad perplexed, but as I continued to read, it made sense, I understood, I got excited!! I have always chosen a “needy” word, a “serious” word, if you will. Transform, Trust, Seek, Yield…and admittedly sometimes my word would become a bit “heavy” along the way. I had never thought of using a happy word like “Wow” and I may I share in using this word along with you this year? The world seems so full of heavy and even my own personal life has those heavy moments also. Thinking on WOW moments will both enlighten and lighten up the joys and peace and grace God showers me with everyday! I know I will still be praying for all those heavy things that weigh my heart down: wars, division, lost souls, the homeless, the afflicted. But I can also let my spirit be refreshed by “WOW!” Bless you, bless you! You have given me such a happy jolt!! I can celebrate the WOWs and not just dwell on the heaviness that closes in on me at times. This is a most wonderful and uplifting post and thank you my dear, sweet friend! God knew just what I needed today and He sent me you!!
(This week, on top of preparing to bury my father-in-law [held up from snow, freezing temps], my sister lost her mother-in-law unexpectedly, and the news of a dear friend who was battling cancer also passed). I indeed feel the heavy, but I am strengthened that the WOW moments can also be a part of my day! I so needed this reminder!! Blessings and love and appreciation are being sent across the miles to you! Along with a BIG HUG! Have a most wonderful day and may your WOW moments be countless!!
Wow, thanks, Kathy! AND thank You, Lord, for lifting Kathy’s spirit with this post! Kathy, I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your father-in-law, your sister’s mother-in-law, and your friend.
You are right. Life can be so full of heavy. I’m praying for God’s comfort and strength to flood your family and bring each of you His peace. Again, I’m glad you were encouraged by this post and the reality of “wow” moments being your moments. I’m honored that my one-word stirred your faith. Now, it’s your one-word, too!
Kathy Francescon
Thank you so very much, Joy. Your thoughts and prayers truly mean so much, and for certain will help us all endure. I truly did need a hug today and God sent me one from you! Bless you and your ministry! I am so thankful God let our paths cross!
Lisa notes...
I love that your word is Wow! It should be an amazing journey. My word this year is Curiosity. It’s already brought me some interesting things. 🙂
Hi Lisa! Thanks for sharing your word for the year. “Curiosity” is sure to bring a unique adventure to your faith. May your 2024 be full of wonderful discoveries and delight. Thanks so much for stopping by. Blessings to you!
What a great word to have! I love it! My word this year is stillness. I’ve been so busy I’ve forgotten to be still, so I’m trying to get back to my 10 minutes of stillness a day to just observe, listen and be thankful. Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at the #oneword2024 linkup
Hi Gayl, thanks for stopping by to say hello! I love your word, too! But sometimes stillness is hard for me. I’ve adjusted to the practice more over the years. I imagine having a 10-minute target helps. May you have enriching experiences in God’s presence this year!
Thank you, Joy, for sharing how you keep your word of the year in mind, with scripture, in your journal on on your vision board. Reading your post reminded me that I need to be aware of the WOW moments in my life also. My WOTY is flow, which includes awareness, presence and energy.
I look forward to hearing more about how “wow” guides you this year.
Hi Cheryl! I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Your WOTY, “flow,” is intriguing. May it bring many “wow” moments to you this year and beyond!
Janae Aye
I’m in a season of being restored and the word God gave me for this year is “Delight”. There is so many new and
exciting things He’s doing in my life at this time.
Hi Janae! I’m glad to hear you are in a season restoration. I am, too! May you continue to “delight” in the Lord and behold His awesome work in your life!