“Prepare to be amazed!” Who wouldn’t want to hear these words? They are featured in the animated movie “Meet the Robinsons (2007).” As the villain of the movie — Bowler Hat Guy — enters a room of executives, he belts out the phrase and proceeds to make a pitch for a time machine invention.
But there’s just one problem. It’s not his invention. It belongs to the main character. As a result, the villain bungled the presentation and the scene erupts with a series of comedic errors.
As my family and I watched the film again, “prepare to be amazed” stuck with me. I’m generally optimistic, but anticipating something wonderful showing up at any moment could take my expectations into overdrive.
I’ve learned expectations are risky.
They have vulnerabilities written all over them. Sometimes I don’t realize the power of what I’ve anticipated until the expectation hasn’t been met.
Just think about it.
As we go through the day fulfilling roles, aiming for goals and adjusting to known and unknown factors, a lot may go wrong. But by God’s grace, a lot can go right.
Putting our hope on the line has a lot to do with what or with whom the line rests.
My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him. – Psalm 62:5 NKJV
Considering life’s uncertainties, is it possible to “prepare” to be amazed? I’m learning from the psalmist’s method.
He quieted his soul, his emotions and thoughts, and focused on God. Alone. But until we’re awed by who God is, it’s hard to appreciate what He does. If I miss the eternal beauty of His majesty, the power of His authority or the wonder of His love, “God alone” won’t seem like enough.
If we’re looking for Him to impress us, it helps to remember how He redeemed us (see John 3:16). And yet, if I substitute my hope in Him with a hope in someone or something else, I can expect to prepare for something less.
My days become consumed with preparing for disappointment, always preparing to work harder or preparing to start over again. These familiar rhythms in the heart amplify my humanity. But faith in Christ pushes past my natural inclinations to embrace an expectation from Him.
It prepares my heart to receive the redemptive side of every experience.
Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning. – Psalms 30:5 NLT
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. – Galatians 6:9 NLT
After weeping…amazingly, joy will come.
After persistently doing what is right… amazingly, a harvest of blessing will appear.
The Bowler Hat Guy failed to be amazed because he didn’t know the product and he wasn’t the inventor. He thought he could arbitrarily push a button and the time machine would function perfectly.
But when we know the God who created the universe and keeps all His promises, we know life doesn’t proceed arbitrarily. It proceeds in His sovereignty.
We can anticipate the wonder of His next, when we trust and obey Him where we are right now.
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”- 1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT
When it is seen or heard, it’s sure to bring hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
The winner of last week’s giveaway is Michelle O.!
Yes, I want to live prepared to be amazed. Maree
Me too Maree – especially when I’m drifting towards preparing for something less!
Teliah Nashonia
This was definitely a great post. That reminded me to wait on God alone . I am prepared to be amazed.
May God strengthen you as you trust Him. His blessings are always worth the wait! Thanks for stopping by Teliah!
Dianne Thornton (@STHdianne)
I love this fresh look on hope! Especially knowing on whom our hope rests!
Thanks Dianne!
Anne Mackie Morelli
Joy, I apppreciated your post and the reminder that instead of looking horizontally to earthly things to amaze us we need to turn to the God of all Creation so that we can be amazed about how He orchestrates and manages Creation, and provides and protects. Blessings.
Amen Anne! Our awesome God never ceases to amaze me. Blessings to you too!