Recently, in my quiet time I read Ecclesiastes 6. When I got to verse 10, I also got to the heart of an important question. Am I growing towards God’s purpose in my life? I admit this is my paraphrase of the New Living Translation. Here’s the actual verse.
“Everything has already been decided. It was already known long ago what each person would be. So there’s no use arguing with God about your destiny.”- Ecclesiastes 6:10
It is not uncommon to struggle with having a sense of destiny. However, without the eyes of faith the gift may seem more like a burden. In a burdened state, we may find it easier to argue with God. But the believing soul knows the process only hints at the fullness of our potential.
As we GET READY, we grow in our willingness to trust and believe in Him. My encounter with this verse was not by accident. As I read the book of Ecclesiastes, I’m paying attention to the words and to the writer’s heart. Each chapter is chock full of wisdom. However, in some chapters he ponders for a while before he gets to the point.
Like the author of Ecclesiastes, we may also ponder the reasons for a particular path or a season of our lives. Knowing the reason behind my circumstances helps me to focus and persevere. But when I encounter what makes me uncomfortable, what seems illogical or even unfair, my emotions signal it’s time to halt.
However, as I SET my heart on things above, a new signal emerges. (see Colossians 3:1-3) It tells me it’s time to GROW and the opportunity lays beneath the surface of whatever challenges me. Sometimes, I hear doubt and fear yell,” Don’t look under there!” But faith whispers, “You’re more than a conqueror, come right on in!”
If you’ve been hesitant in your growth moments too, consider these points to unravel the mystique behind our misgivings.
Do you wonder why God chose you for a particular task or burden? His choice does not mean we are to tough it out alone. A great burden affords us a great opportunity to know the Burden Bearer. Taking Him up on the invitation will transform the burden into a blessing. (see 1 Peter 5:6-7)
Are you frustrated as you wait for the details of life to unfold? The details of our lives are not the fullest statement of our worth. The fullest statement of our worth is seen in Christ on the cross. When we try to calculate our worth through some other means, we over-inflate or under-appreciate who we really are. (see 1 Peter 1:18-21)
Do you compare your path and pace to the path and pace of someone else? Each person’s destiny is extraordinarily unique. Comparing our path and pace with others leads to boasting or bitterness. If we follow God’s rhythm for our lives it humbles and satisfies the soul. (see Galatians 6:4-5)
The pressures of life may become complicated, but here’s some good news: God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. The process of recognizing our weakness and receiving His strength requires faith. But a closer walk with God is the fruit of our struggle turned into submission. No argument there — just hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
Gail Burke
“The details of our lives are not the fullest statement of our worth. The fullest statement of our worth is seen in Christ on the cross.” Amen, and amen. I am so comforted and inspired by this nugget. Thank you, Joy. I plan to meditate on it often.
Thanks Gail. I am glad this post is comforting. May it continue to speak to your heart.
Kecia Powell
Thank you for your willingness to be used. You are right that God has it under control. We should just submit and trust His way.
Thanks Kecia. May you continue to be strengthened by your faith in our Faithful God.
Nashawn Turner
Thank you for this article Joy! The scripture alone has captured my heart to just rest and trust in the One who has our life & times in His hand…no arguing with God about my destiny! Also, knowing the “growth” and “opportunity” lays beneath the surface of what is challenging us! POWERFUL!!! What an inspiration and such a timely word!
You’re welcome Nashawn. It sounds like you are definitely in advance (and not arguing) mode when it comes to your destiny. Keep pressing on!