My kitchen redo is finally done. It took me an entire year to do what could have taken 3 months. Imagine my relief when I stumbled upon an article encouraging a slow pace on home improvement projects. Apparently, the goal of completing the project is not speed. The goal is satisfaction. But I knew my redo delays were about more than picking out hardware for our cabinets.

The hub of our home echoed the cry of my heart. I also needed realignment. The dictionary definition is “the act or instance of restoring or changing to a previous or different position.”

It’s the focus of part 2 of the Joy to the Soul Summer series. In our scriptural theme, the writers of Psalm 84 had made major adjustments in their lives. As the sons of Korah, they experienced the loss of their father and others who rebelled against God. (Numbers 16) But after seeing what happened to those who did wrong, Korah’s sons learned the benefit of doing right.

Here’s what they said. “For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, what joy for those who trust in you.” (Psalms 84:11-12 NLT)

Eventually, they came to know God as the greatest source of warmth and light (their sun). They knew He provided His protection over them (their shield). But what about you and me? How are we coming to know God more? It’s something to think about in any season.

But since summer occurs midyear, it can be a time of reflection and preparation. And yet, sometimes, the real gift of summer is realignment.

Is there an area of your life that feels unfinished or unclear? In my kitchen redo, one of my biggest delays was due to my indecision over an accent wall. It’s small in size. But because the wall is a focal point, it took months for me to make a choice.

Then, something else happened. I sensed God helping me to sort through other areas of my life to bring who He is into focus. As the Sun in every dark or indecisive moment, He gives grace. His grip on our lives is felt through our faith in Christ. And yet, He also gives glory. It’s His shine on or through our lives to reveal who He is. Thankfully, He gives clarity, too. Hence, I finally made a choice. My accent wall is done. (See the pictures below.)

I realize many of life’s decisions have a much greater impact than a paint color or a picture. And yet, “The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”  We find His instructions in Scripture. But even as we seek to live in His truth, we may discover there is tension in our hearts.

As we seek to realign with Him this summer, here are a few suggestions. Consider doing these activities with a friend or group. Then, spend time discussing your responses.

Learn something new. When we live with open hands and an open heart, it keeps us open to what’s possible with God. In a practical sense, we see this in our willingness to visit a new place, try new food, or meet a new group of people. But in a spiritual sense, it happens when we are willing to see our circumstances through the lens of who God is and what He does.

List what feels difficult in this season. Tell God about it in prayer. Receive His comfort and seek His guidance. How does knowing God as your warmth and light (your sun) or knowing Him as your warrior (your shield) empower you? 

Lean into God’s realignment. What do you sense Him restoring or changing in your life to put you in a previous or different position? Recognize your hesitation and choose to rely on His goodness.

Yes, friend, this summer can be the summer for us to enjoy the gift of realignment. Knowing God gives grace and glory can give us all the peace and power we need. It happens as we learn to trust His choices.

Here’s the new accent wall in my kitchen! I must have played “this or that” a dozen times before deciding on this choice. Hopefully, choosing what to display on the wall will be a smoother process. What’s something new you’re willing to try this summer?

Sharing is caring !


  1. Great Wall color. Funny that is your stumbling block. It’s exactly what I’ve been pondering for months!

    Thanks for a much needed message today!

    1. Hi Carol! I’m glad you enjoyed this post and the color of the accent wall. I hope all goes well with your selections! It was quite the journey for me.

  2. Oh my goodness! I can so relate, Joy! And I absolutely love your accent wall! I am having two bedrooms redone, as we speak! Moving my husband’s office to the bigger room, and making myself a “girl room” in his current office! I have looked and looked at piks on Pinterest and trying to narrow my choices down is hard! I love them all! So I loved what you said that the goal is not speed, but satisfaction! Just like our walk with God, it isn’t just a few days, a few months, even a few years…it is our lifetime! And sometimes choices in life are hard. God loves it when we pray and study and ask His leading in making decisions! He tells us to rest, reflect and realign…so that we can make those good choices that will decorate our hearts and souls and our homes to reflect Him. In doing so, we are assured of total satisfaction! What a lovely post that gives me such encouragement! I can take my time, realign my heart first and what I have been calling my girl room, I will rename my “God Room!”
    That is the whole purpose of it anyway! Right now I am in a corner in my messy basement with my Bibles, devotionals, and my journals
    are stacked everywhere! They need a home! I absolutely want a quiet small space totally dedicated to me and my God! Thank you so very much for this summer series, Joy! It is a much needed guide for me…it may take me awhile to decide on my accent wall too! Love and hugs and have a wonderful and safe July 4th! I love you, and I love the way your beautiful posts always speaks to my heart! You are a “joy” to my soul! Blessings dear friend!

    1. Wow, Kathy! Who knew we’d be twinning on our home improvement journey! I love the idea of your “girl room” turned “God Room.” No doubt you will have many rich times of fellowship with the Lord there. I’m glad you enjoyed this post. As always, thank you for your kind words. Continue to enjoy the summer — decorating projects and all. Happy and safe 4th of July to you, too!

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