Sometimes, it’s hard to make sense of what it means to walk by faith. The last few weeks definitely put my understanding to the test. As I served as an alternate juror for a trial, the details of the case stunned me.
The crime took place in rooms where Scriptures were prominently displayed. The victims were followers of Christ. As I learned about their story, I knew their lives stood for much more than the way they died. And yet, deep down inside — somewhere between my respect for God’s sovereignty and my sorrow over their tragedy, I wrestled. Why were they not spared? I wondered how they endured what they didn’t expect.
Thankfully, there is a way to find sacred sanity. In the midst of distress or suffering, Christ gives His followers His peace. He explained it this way, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NLT).
The Amplified Bible translation of this verse tells us how to take heart. It says, “be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.”]
It may take a while for us to reach the courageous and joy-filled stage of our troubles. I have no way of knowing to what extent the victims reached such a phase.
But our circumstances, no matter how sudden, painful, or unfair, are always subject to Christ’s power to overcome.
Is there an unexpected hardship you’re trying to endure? As we sit in a daze over a dilemma or frantically search for the cause of a crisis, our emotions can take us for quite a ride. But along the way, we’re invited to learn more about God. It’s become central to me gaining courage or having any measure of joy.
We can discover His strength to endure.
We can seek His wisdom for our decisions.
He is our refuge and our rest. (Psalm 62:8)

Such assurances are comforting. But who doesn’t want to be exempt from painful experiences? And yet, as I sat in the courtroom each day, my heart gave way to a greater reality. I took slow and deep breaths as it sank deeper into my bones. Sadly, there is no way to avoid encountering the heartache of a crisis. But through Christ, there is always a way to a deeper knowledge of God.
For the victims in the court case, they experienced Christ’s victory over death. (1 Corinthians 15:57) Because even in the unexpected, He still has the final say. With unanswered questions in our hearts and fears whispering in our ears, He wants His truth to settle into our souls. (Psalm 51:6)
By all means, it is healthy to grieve and reflect on the disruptions in our lives. We need to garner every bit of support required to preserve our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
I’m grateful for family, friends, a good workout routine, and a skilled therapist. They provide me with space to vent and heal from the issues that challenge my faith. But faith doesn’t sugarcoat life’s tragedies or simplify solutions to what may be complicated. However, faith adds context around life’s circumstances. Otherwise, we may become stuck in our pain instead of choosing to grow in God’s grace.
Hence, there is cause for great joy in growth moments. They often come at the cost of letting go of a faulty perspective or embracing what God reveals through a difficult time. They may happen when we least expect it or as we learn to trust what He desires. In either case, as we trust in God’s faithfulness and love, we can expect His peace.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, life is unpredictable, sometimes painful or hard to understand. But You are always faithful. You are our help in the time of trouble. Whatever we face today or in the days to come, thank You for sacred sanity. Thank You for Jesus. For by Him, we overcome. In Jesus’ name, amen.
JOY TO THE SOUL: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NLT).
Kathy Francescon
Sweet Joy! I was delighted to see ur name in my email this morning! I have missed you! I am sorry that your planned time off was interrupted with jury duty. And to have such a sad and horrific case to sit on, broke my heart for you. But, as always you are encouraging us that God gives us beauty from the ashes. I loved your phrase “sacred sanity’! And praise God, He blesses us to find it, otherwise how could we manage life and the heartaches we are thrown in this crazy and broken world we live in. Kenny’s dad is in memory care five hours away and that has certainly had its challenges for us this summer. I had so many little fun craft projects I wanted to work on this summer, but haven’t tackled a one. No biggy of course, but still a source of joy and accomplishment that I wanted to enjoy. Ken has also had a spell with a pulled or torn ligament in his leg, so that has been a “thorn in his side” about a month now and he is getting a bit grouchy as he continues to be in pain. I have found myself in such sadness about all the weather and wildfire tragedies happening in the world. My heart just breaks for all the losses of loved ones, homes, their whole life’s work being destroyed and just gone. And so many ask, why does God let all this happen…it is as you said, in this broken world, we will have tribulation. God never promised anyone would have a perfect life here, but that He would be with us through all the imperfections we may have to navigate. I know also how the enemy loves to devour and sometimes, I think he causes so many of these horrific events, so people will blame God and turn away from Him, believing the lies that satan spews…but also the Bible tells us all these things must come to pass. The wars, moral decay, earthquakes, floods, famines (Matt. 24). But I try to remember and take comfort that all the bad and sad we go through here in this world are only temporary. God is the only “Eternal” hope and comfort there is. Romans 8:18 gives me this hope and comfort no matter what challenges arise. FOR I RECKON THAT THE SUFFERINGS OF THIS PRESENT TIME ARE NOT WORTHY TO BE COMPARED WITH THE GLORY WHICH SHALL BE REVEALED IN US. Thank you, dear friend for giving me the way to explain how we endure it all…”sacred sanity.”
Blessings dear friend and Sister in Christ. You are such a lovely, true and devoted, disciple and teacher. Thank You for all your beautiful insights and encouragement. I always look so forward to your posts! Have a most wonderful day! You have truly added “joy” to mine!!
Hi Kathy! Thank you for this warm welcome upon my return! I can see you have plenty going on in your corner of the world. I love this comment from you about how we can “take comfort that all the bad and sad we go through here in this world are only temporary.” Indeed, it is. May we all receive the sacred sanity God gives us through Christ. Blessings to you and yours!
Kathy Francescon
Thank You for your wonderful and uplifting reply! Yes and Amen, may we all be blessed with sacred sanity from Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior! P.S. I read and so enjoyed your You Version Bible Plan: Living Your Joy Story, and so happy that you have another! Getting ready to read “When Easy Doesn’t Live Here.” I am not on Facebook or I would join you there also! But thank you so much than through You Version Bible Plans, I can glean such wonderful teachings you share! You are a blessing and I am so thankful that God led me to find your blog! Have a glorious day dear friend!!