Purpose, passion and problems are dynamic forces. Our purpose shapes the soul. Our passions feed the soul. However, our problems reveal what’s in the soul. Sooner or later the experiences that shape us and the desires that feed us, impact the lives around us.
If we determine the impact, it becomes about us. But as we yield to God’s plan, it becomes more than we can imagine.
These words beat within my heart as I consider my destiny shuffle. Sometimes my steps towards His callings are miniature — at best. Thankfully, God in His grace continues to pursue me. He prompts and at times, I procrastinate. He gives mercy. I’ve given my share of excuses.
During those times, life becomes an awkward dance. But mercy makes another plea.
When our purpose is unknown or our passions go unchecked, we can easily cause problems. However, when we purpose to know Christ and we’re passionate for His cause, we can overcome problems.
Eventually, we all come face to face with the plight Christ came to save us from. Sometimes that plight reveals a struggle within us. Other times it stems from a struggle around us. Either way, only through faith in Him are we destined to overcome. (see John 16:33)
Do you have a sense of destiny or are you living life with a sense of dread? Regardless of our answer, God’s purpose always finds us. It comes in the form of His word bringing clarity, a problem prompting us toward His solution or a vision larger than our hearts can hold.
“We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it”. – Proverbs 16:9 MSG
When His purpose begins to shape the soul, we begin to come to the end of ourselves. I find it’s a life-long and sometimes painful process. As I release a life limited to what I wanted it to be, I can embrace the limitless life of who I’m made to be in Christ.
Then the destiny shuffle ends and the destiny stance begins.
As I consider my wants and God’s choices, saying “yes” to Him requires me to focus only on Him. If I focus on me I can become fearful or anxious. If I focus on others, I can become prideful or insecure. When I focus on His grace I’m free.
God uniquely wired us and wants us to experience His love and faithfulness beyond our wildest dreams.
Even if we’ve stopped dreaming.
Even if we have a steep learning curve.
Even when life hurts.
“Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” – Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT
I’m not surprised “everything beautiful” describes “the whole scope of God’s work.” The glimpses of His glory I’ve seen thus far go far beyond what I could ask, think or imagine. Although we cannot see the entire picture, we can find where we fit within the scope of His plan. These destined places appear whether we are facing difficulties or dealing with our daily routine.
We may not know the details of our destiny but we can know the purpose: To know God and to make Him known. Instead of being preoccupied with what will or won’t happen, we can see great privilege in however we fit into His plan.
Whether our steps towards destiny are miniature or major, here’s some good news: When we seek God for our purpose because pleasing Him is our passion, no threat to His plan for our lives is able to stand. He makes everything beautiful for its own time and as we stand in that truth it brings hope to the heart and joy to the soul.
“I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.” – Psalm 57:2
Joy, this is great wisdom. It is so true that our purpose shapes the soul and our passions feed the soul. When we don’t know our purpose, we can’t thoroughly be shaped or fed.
Thanks Chelsea. I’m glad to know God, the One who is able to shape us with His love and fill us beyond measure!
This is great!!! Love this
Thanks Patricia!