The word of the day on my dictionary app said JOMO. I wasn’t familiar with the term. But deeper reflection would reveal why I should become familiar with its benefits.

It’s the acronym for “the joy of missing out.” I knew its more popular opposite, FOMO, “the fear of missing out.” Both acronyms surfaced in the early 2000’s.

But fear rivals joy every time. Unfortunately, FOMO got a lot more trending traction. At times, it’s gotten under my skin. It suggests if we’re not like everyone else, everyone else will wonder why.

It fuels the fear of not belonging or not succeeding. And if I’m not careful, FOMO can lead to a severe case of me not trusting God.

But here’s a liberating idea.

JOMO, noun [joh-mo]: a feeling of contentment with one’s own pursuits and activities, without worrying over the possibility of missing out what others may be doing.*

To be clear, the joy of missing out is not the desire to be left out.

It’s not a suggestion, if we’re grieving a loss; or a simplification, if we’re battling deep despair.

JOMO is, however, the ability to be content in our own lives, instead of being consumed by the pursuits and activities of someone else. But if someone else is accomplishing what I’m wishing for, working for, or praying for, the real test of my focus begins.

And yet, what’s common or cliquish can lose its appeal. It happens when I realize the Creator is more creative than pressing every soul into a mold of the same experiences.

FOMO craves the mold of sameness and tells us we’re a failure if we don’t fit in.

JOMO breaks the mold and says we’re a phenomenon by God’s grace.

Knowing His joy means knowing Christ’s redemption for my sin, His comfort in my pain and His victory in my successes.

It’s far from common. It’s uniquely personal.

I choose JOMO.

Whatever I feel like I’m missing out on the most, it makes the most room for me to experience God.

Instead of being preoccupied with someone else’s life, I become more grateful for having His grace in my own.

Instead of trying to make sure I blend in, I grow in living my faith from the inside out.

Instead of pursuing my idea of perfection, I get to experience the excellency of His power. (see 2 Corinthians 4:7)

It all comes through having faith in Jesus, His Son. (see John 3:16 and 17)

Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan. (Ephesians 1:11 NLT)

As we see someone else’s abilities, assets or associations, it may inspire us. But if we feel like we’re missing out and there’s no way out, FOMO is trying to creep in.

Do you choose JOMO?

The joy of missing out may feel impossible, until the beauty of God’s plan becomes irresistible.

It unfolds at His pace. It occurs in the places and with the people He has in mind — just for you and for me. As we seek to do His will, whatever is absent is eclipsed by His glory. Trusting Him insures we won’t miss having hope for the heart and joy to the soul.

*JOMO: Word of the Day from 
Sharing is caring !
  1. Christy Mobley

    Joy, this is one of your best. Love it!

    1. Thanks Christy!

  2. This is so so good. I’ve never heard of it before and in the day of social media it is even more important.

    1. Hi Sheri! Yes, thanks to my dictionary app I became aware of the JOMO acronym. I’d seen #FOMO floating around the web, but now I have something to squash it with! 🙂

  3. I choose JOMO

    1. Me too Kate!

  4. Wow! Joy, I love this! It gives a whole different perspective! A MUST SHARE! 😊

    1. Thanks for sharing Nashawn! I needed this perspective. Hopefully, it will encourage others too!

  5. Joy, I love your twist on FOMO. The image is great too 💕

    1. Thanks TOK!

  6. As an introvert, I’ve experienced JOMO a lot; it’s nice to be home instead of being somewhere I don’t want to be. 🙂 Thanks for sharing about both FOMO and JOMO from a spiritual perspective.

    1. Hi Lisa! JOMO comes easier to some of us more than others. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed this post!

  7. Love this post Joy. I have been struggling with contentment these past few days but have brought it to the Lord in prayer and He is helping me. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. Hi Eva! I need encouragement with contentment too. As we bring our struggle before God, I believe He is freeing us in amazing ways. Blessings to you!

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