Some experiences need time to settle before I see their full significance. This was the case as I attended the She Speaks conference this past weekend. It was my second time attending the event hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries. The trek never disappoints.
Women who lead, write, or speak gather at the annual conference for fellowship and development. Being with like-minded souls determined to fulfill God’s call creates a sacred synergy.
We share the same mission – to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known – but each of us has a unique story and style. I was inspired by the amazing women I met.
However, as eight hundred attendees received wisdom in workshops and networked with industry experts, we were observed by an audience of One. It was our Lord, the One who called each of us by name and gifted us by His grace.
As you set a goal or pursue a dream what might He observe about you? The passion of your pursuit? The edginess of your style? Your uncertainty about the outcome?
When He looks at His children there is much to see. And yet, as we get a glimpse of Him that’s the real show stopper. In last week’s post, I asked if our dreams were forgotten or faith-filled. However, after a few meetings pitching my manuscript, I wasn’t sure which way my dreams were leaning.
As I sorted through the responses to my pitch (“no,” “maybe,” and “not yet”) I received something greater than any “yes” those meetings could offer. I had a holy aha moment – that moment when what matters to God begins to matter the most to me.
There are many reasons why I aim to become more effective at what I do. As a reader of this blog you are certainly one of them. But in that moment there was only ONE reason — for the sake of the call of Christ. As I lingered in that space any unproductive thinking began to leave me.
It is a privilege for my hands to dance across the keyboard for Jesus. But it’s my devotion to Him that determines the beauty of the dance. As I seek to make Christ known, it is completely up to Him how much “I” become known for doing it.
If my ego stands on tippy-toes, I see the ambitious version of me. A few people might applaud but it’s an impossible posture for me to maintain. Instead, I desire to stand on the box of His grace. It is the steadiest platform for any servant of Christ.
If you sort through the significance of your dreams too, here’s some good news: God may have planted a dream in our hearts but it was never intended to torture our souls. The battle for my heart’s strings is fierce. But there is only one cord worthy of having complete control. As I give in to God’s desires, there’s just one rhythm and it brings hope in the heart and joy to the soul.
“Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” – Psalm 25: 4-5 NIV
Absolutely beautiful! God did a number on me this weekend (in a good way) and I walked away with the same core message you shared here. He is so merciful and faithful and this calling He has given us is such an honor and a gift. I am blessed to have been there, fortunate to follow this call, and incredibly grateful to call you friend!
Thanks Jelise! It was so good seeing you this weekend. It is a blessing to be on this amazing journey of serving Christ. I am grateful to Him for the call and for blessing me with a wonderful friend like you!
Karen Foster
I’m excited you were able to attend She Speaks. I went last year. 🙂 And the Holy Spirit impressed upon me the need to SPEAK into the lives of everyone who crosses my path each day. Our words don’t have to wait for a podium opportunity or major publication. We have the power to persuade one person at a time that God loves them. 🙂
And you’re so right about writing for an audience of One. I came to that conclusion several years ago when I felt frustrated. Someone asked me if I’d be content if God was the only one who read what I wrote. Since I was writing about Him, and what I’d learned from Him, I realized there is great pleasure in putting those words down on paper out of love for Him. 🙂
And still the Lord made a path and gave me a small measure of success. But I always have to back to my first LOVE and remember why I’m writing. My audience of ONE.
May God continue to use your words and blog to bring Him glory.
Thanks Karen. I really appreciate you sharing your journey towards this same conclusion — Christ alone! Without focusing on Him, there’s little joy and a lot of frustration. Like you, I seek to impact whomever He allows me to encounter. The highest goal is for them to follow Him, and not just “like” or “follow” me. Blessings to you Karen. May God continue to use you too my blogging sister!
Michelle O'Banion
And I would only E. V. E. R. want God to “promote” me!
He is so faithful when He is our audience of one. Our branch then reaches, because it’s attached to The Vine….
You. Are. An. Excellent. Writer!! I love your posts…. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Psalm 45:1b
Your comments about my writing are kind and they are ever true about our faithful God. “Our branch then reaches, because its attached to The Vine…” Those are encouraging words indeed. Thanks Michelle!
christy mobley
Oh, how I loved seeing you at She Speaks!
It was great to see you too Christy! I ate waaaaay too much dessert the last night, but that will be another post! 🙂
christy mobley
Can I make another comment? You’re writing is beautiful!
Now that comment just makes me gush. To God be the glory – thanks Christy!