“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV).
Like dew on the grass, God’s mercy shows up each morning. But instead of droplets, tidal waves of His provision and protection sweep over our faults and failings. And when the tide recedes, all that is left is His grace.
The power of such moments is captured in a newly released book, Merciful Moments: A Devotional Journal for Moving Forward with Grace Each Day by Kirstyn Mayden. It’s the feature of this week’s post. As I share my conversation with the author, may merciful moments come to you too!
JOY: Thanks for joining us Kirstyn. What prompted you to select this title?
KIRSTYN: I selected the title Merciful Moments because, at times, I am my harshest critic and a recovering perfectionist. LOL. Three years ago, as a new mom, I was overwhelmed and didn’t want to make any mistakes. During this season, God encouraged and reminded me that I am not in control. I needed to learn how to receive His grace and mercy each day. Ultimately, knowing God is in control of our lives allows us to take the pressure off of ourselves to achieve perfection. Then as life happens, we can move forward receiving His mercy with greater confidence.
JOY: Having God-confidence is an area of continual growth for me. How does the format of your devotional help us make the move forward?

KIRSTYN: Merciful Moments is a 27-day devotional plan that includes (1) a focus scripture, (2) a devotional topical teaching, (3) a prompted prayer, and (4) an action step for the reader to implement the topic for that day. There is also space for readers to journal their reflections. Some examples of devotional topics include “Seek Community,” “An Empty Vessel Must Be Filled,” and “Start with a Single Step.”
JOY: I love those topics! I also noticed a devotional topic entitled “Find Your Joyful Place.” Why is that so important?
KIRSTYN: Finding our joyful place is important because it helps us to navigate and combat life’s challenges with a renewed sense of hope. When we are intentional about doing or finding things that keep us joyful in the Lord, God strengthens and reminds us of His presence and faithfulness in our lives. When we don’t “feel” God’s presence, we can be assured that He is there. Despite what season of life, you are in, I invite you to find your joyful place. It may be to walk while observing God’s nature, listen to praise and worship music, read a good book, or just sit still in God’s presence. Find it and hold onto it.
JOY: Obviously, quiet time with the Lord is a priority for you. What should we remember about creating a routine?
KIRSTYN: As with anything else, when creating a routine for spending time with God, give yourself grace. If you have limited time, maximize the fifteen or twenty minutes that you do have. Start simple. Give thanks in a gratitude journal and start by meditating on one verse to encourage you. Be creative and intentional about incorporating God during different times of the day. If your lunch break or the evening works better, use that time. Don’t get caught up on the when and how. God just wants us to keep Him first and grow in our relationship with Him daily.
JOY: Lastly, what would you like readers to take away in their own merciful moments?
KIRSTYN: Make room for God’s grace and mercy to fill your heart in refreshingly new ways. Continue to seek His Word for direction. Give thanks. God always has our best interest at heart and He is our biggest fan. Let His mercy revive and refresh your spirit so that you can boldly accomplish your God-given purpose.
JOY: Thanks Kirstyn! I love this devotional and I would definitely recommend it to someone looking to focus on God’s grace and mercy in their quiet time.

Kirstyn Mayden is a Christian blogger who writes devotionals that empower and equip believers in their everyday lives. She is a pastor’s wife, mom, writer, speaker, non-profit leader and most importantly, loves Jesus with all her heart. She has a Master of Divinity degree from Emory University in Atlanta, GA. For the last 20 years, Kirstyn has served in several ministry capacities serving with children, youth, and women. She is also a contributing writer for Beloved Women, Bible Study Tools, and iBelieve.com.
Learn more at: www.kirstynspeakshope.com Also connect with Kirstyn on Instagram and Pinterest.
We’d love to hear from you… Comment on this week’s post and ENTER A DRAWING TO WIN A FREE COPY OF MERCIFUL MOMENTS! One entry per commenter. All eligible comments must be entered by Monday, October 18, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. ET. The winner (must be located in the continental U.S.) will be announced on next week’s post, October 20, 2021!
I like your imagery of God’s grace as like “tidal waves of His provision and protection [that] sweep over our faults and failings.” And Kirstyn’s idea of intentionally finding a “joyful place” to help us navigate/combat the challenges of life. Sounds like a devotional I’d really enjoy!
Hi Viola! Yes, I’ve enjoyed reading Kirstyn’s devotional. It is simple in its approach but relays some powerful truths!
Kirstyn Mayden
Hi Viola,
Yes! God’s grace is a free gift that is never ending and finding our joyful place is so important! Thanks for reading!
Ariel Gritter
Joy, I love your blog and so glad you have shared Kirstyn’s message today. I’m intentionally seeking more spaces of joy in my life as I seek out God’s word for me. Grateful for your faithful voice and gentle reminders of God’s love. 😘
Hi Ariel! Your comments about my blog are so sweet dear friend, thank you! May you continue to find spaces where you can flourish in the presence of God!
Don’t we all need more of His grace and mercy. This looks like a wonderful book. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Carolyn! Yes, thank God for His mercy and grace. Kirstyn’s book provides tremendous focus on both!
Lisa notes
So much good advice here. Sounds like a great devotional. I love this: “God always has our best interest at heart and He is our biggest fan. Let His mercy revive and refresh your spirit.”
Hi Lisa! Yes, Merciful Moments is a great devotional. I’m glad you got a glimpse of it here!
Hi Lisa,
Thanks so much for reading and I’m glad the quote resonates with you! Have a wonderful week!
Hi Ariel,
I’m so glad you are being intentional about finding your joyful place daily. Have a wonderful week!
Kirstyn Amen! Thank You for sharing this inspiring message. Especially the statement that said: When we don’t “feel” God’s presence we can be assured that He is there. I constantly need to remind myself God is always present in my life.
Hi Jacquelyn! Yes, Kirstyn’s devotional encourages us to have blessed assurance. God is always with us!💕
This is a very inspiring conversation, ladies. Thank you for sharing reminders of God’s grace and mercy that are available to us everyday. Kirstyn’s devotional is truly a needed blessing.
Hi Melanie! I’m glad you enjoyed my conversation with Kirstyn. Focusing on God’s grace and mercy may be a challenge at times. Merciful Moments has some wonderful reflections to nudge us in the right direction.