What was your last surprise? I hope it was something wonderful. But we can also be surprised when someone makes a puzzling choice or life begins to look like a puzzle where none of the pieces seem to fit.
It’s puzzling in my world right now. I’m not at liberty to share the details but I can share how God is helping me through this season.
Amazingly, His goodness stays even when harshness and fear attempt to takeover. His mercy rushes in with undeserved pardons and unexpected provision.
His peace offers rest from frustration and worry.
With such expressions of His love, my focus shouldn’t be on missing pieces. If you also have a sudden scenario of what doesn’t make sense, you may also know God’s goodness. And yet,
The surprise in all of this is we still struggle.
At least, I do.
It happened as I drove to church a week ago. Thoughts of the last year tugged at my reasoning and tore at my faith.
Unlike most Sunday mornings, my husband and son were at home due to another commitment. But I wasn’t in the car alone.
My disappointments felt weightier by the minute.
Discouragement insisted things would never be better.
However, wisdom invited me to listen to a sermon on the radio. I turned up the volume just in time to hear these words from Apostle Paul:
Take with me your share of hardship [passing through the difficulties which you are called to endure], like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 2:3 AMP)
It felt like my share of hardship had come. But driven by the soldier analogy, my thoughts quickly snapped to attention.
Hearing I’m “called to endure” reminded me there is godly purpose in persevering through tough times.
Just knowing I’m “passing through” this trial gave me hope to hang on.
While God may not send our difficulties, He does invite us to overcome every difficulty through faith in Christ.
This is not some slap happy slogan. The significance of what pains us is real. It’s messy and likely to suck all the perseverance out of the most diligent soul.
But not having endurance is not an option, if I want to tout Christ’s victory.
Otherwise, tough times will make me bitter. They aim for the tenderest parts of my heart where they can introduce poison to the soul — unless faith turns my weeping into God worship.
However, the surprise in all of this is a sweet dependency on Him grows.
It often comes through tears, coupled with heartfelt prayers and reflections on His promises.
And yet, each one of life’s difficulties is a customized faith boot camp. I’ll either rise to the occasion like a “good soldier of Jesus Christ” or buckle under the pressure like a girl who’s forgotten His promises and power.
Sometimes my faith starts to weaken.
But the surprise in all of this is how God sends something or someone to encourage my heart.
He draws me back into His reality.
I must choose to draw closer to Him.
I must ignore the endless chatter of dangerous distractions from His call to endure. It’s His endless invitation. Every day.
With every sun’s rising, surprise us with Your love, satisfy us with Your kindness. Then we will sing with joy and celebrate every day we are alive. (Psalm 90:14 The Voice)
The psalmist knew the gift of God’s surprises. Like him, I want to expect them with every sunrise. However, it’s good to know nothing catches God by surprise.
He is never shocked by life’s changes.
He is never powerless to shape His purpose in our lives. He is faithful. Through Him we can pass through difficulties with new levels of hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in us, to Him be all glory in the church and in Jesus the Anointed from this generation to the next, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21 The Voice)
Katie Stewart
I thought this was so lovely. Thank you for sharing your struggle and doubt and still pointing back to God’s promise for each of us. A great reminder for all of us.
Hi Katie! I’m glad you were able to see God in the midst of my struggles. He is a wonder!
Excellent post, and my last surprise was a nest of baby cardinals in the rose bush.
I love your surprise! Thanks for sharing!