Generally speaking, flipping anything from top to bottom is not a good thing. There are the notable exceptions of acrobatics, the rehab of a house in ruins and of course, pineapple upside down cake.
But the term “upside down” means disaster in the housing market, stock market and in our hopes or dreams.
Right side up is definitely the way to go.
God has made an upright way; the promise of the Eternal rings true; He stands and shields all who hide in Him. – 2 Samuel 22:31 Voice
However, God often moves contrary to the ways of the world or our individual desires. In fact, pivotal points in my faith usually occur when things are opposite to what I prayed for or what I expected.
From tragedies in recent headlines to our individual concerns, what do you do when life feels upside down?
It happens when the interview goes well, but the job offer goes away.
It hurts when a loved one shows signs of overcoming a struggle, but starts to spiral. Again.
It’s hard when we serve with fervor but the fruit of our labor forms slowly.
And yet, whatever happens, whatever hurts or seems hard for us, God has an “upright” way. It is the way to walk in His will. It is the way to behold His glory.
To my surprise, encouragement came in an unexpected moment a few weeks ago. Joanna Gaines, design guru of HGTV’s popular show, Fixer Upper, shared a major revelation. I’m not sure she saw it that way. It was probably just a tip for viewers.
Gaines took three rusty cowbells and turned them upside down. The “new vessels” were filled with flowers and attached to a wall to decorate a girl’s playroom. Joanna said,
“You can turn all kinds of things upside down and turn them into something beautiful.”
Who knew a design tip could bring thoughts of deliverance? God knew. He used my TV viewing moment to encourage me because when upside down happens in life, beautiful is not the word on my mind.Instead, devastated, discouraged or dismayed stands at the forefront of my thinking.
Eventually, a scriptural encounter or my worship song playlist decimates the temporary cloud. But before the cloud parts, like the proverbial deer in the headlights, I’m staring at what’s unwanted in my path.
And yet, there is an “up side” to life upside down.
What feels out of order makes me yearn for the order of God. I become desperate for what matters from His perspective. I release what’s no longer helpful in mine.

An unwanted flip in our circumstances may complicate our view of God, other people or ourselves. But because “the promise of the Eternal rings true” we can stop seeing a difficulty as something that could never be overcome and start seeing God as the overcomer of every difficulty.
As the Creator, He can use anything or anyone at anytime to display His glory. He specializes in upside down.
He stands and shields all who hide in Him. – 2 Samuel 22:31 Voice
If we start to feel like a “right-side up’ miracle missed us, in God, there is so much more.
His ability to right a wrong, heal a hurt or restore what’s broken often comes as a merciful manifestation — when we still have questions in the midst of our faith.
But the upside to upside down happens as it turn us inside out. We get to see what we’re made of. I see how much I need Christ’s redemption in my heart and in my circumstances.
It reveals how much I need Him to forgive, heal or embolden me for my next steps in life.
As we trust God with what feels chaotic, I believe a “flower box” is being made. What happens, what hurts and what’s hard, become “new vessels” to display His glory. Knowing the Master Designer is at work brings hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
Melody Hester
Oh so true! What a great post here. Love the graphic too! That’s beautiful and I love Joanna Gaines!!!
Thanks Melody! I’m sure if I listened more closely, I’d get a few more analogies from Joanna. 😊
Great post! I know it’s sometimes difficult to do. I know when I focus more on the Giver of good things instead of the gifts He provides has helped me to have His perspective on every situation.
Amen Tona! When I’m willing to seek God’s perspective, I’m able to walk in faith by His power!
Pamela Allaart
Great post, so much truth! Thank you sister for posting this and sharing your wisdom!
Thanks Pamela! I’m glad this post spoke to your heart.
Rahama Harewood
Upside down really describes those seasons in our lives when we are seemingly hanging by a thread. But for God,who is our FIXER-UPPER!
Awesome post❤️!
Thanks Rahama! Yes, thin threads and all, God is able!
Joy, this is such a great encouraging word. We have all had hard times in our lives. But God is the Great Fixer-Upper. Love your beautiful use of words.
Thanks Val! I appreciate you!