A common theme in fairytales involves three wishes. They are given to anyone who finds a genie in a bottle or a certain object with special powers. But at some point, the recipient makes a blunder. They waste a wish (or two) and end up being worse off than before they found the outlet for their desires.
I’m no genie, but what would you change about a current situation? What timeline would you slow down or quicken? Whose mind would you change or what place would you visit?
Those fortunate fairytale characters should have used one wish to ask for three more wishes. And yet, life is not that simple. As a person of faith, I learned long ago the Giver of every good and perfect gift is infinitely above genie status. (James 1:16-18)
With God, our wishes become far more than wants filled with what we think is best.
Consider this invitation.
“Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart.” (Psalms 37:4 AMP)
Our desires are what we want, but our petitions are how we ask for it. “Delight” comes from the Hebrew word ānaḡ. It means “to be soft or pliable; to live or spend in enjoyment.” Being open or pliable to God’s plan can lead to a delight beyond what we thought was possible.

Alexander Maclaren notes, “Most of all, it shows that when we delight ourselves in the LORD, He gives us our delight. If He is our delight, He gives us more of Himself. Longings fixed on Him fulfill themselves.”
Being aware of God’s goodness and enjoying His care creates a deep sense of peace and contentment. We can delight in knowing the God who knows us best and knows what’s best. (Psalms 139:1-12)
Yet, this perspective is problematic if some other agenda holds our heart. I’ve wrestled with such wishes. But when I think my timing is best, I discover God’s timing accounts for factors unknown by me. Looking at unchecked boxes on my wish list can lead to disappointment — until I discover God’s plan. Then I see how each box is filled with His grace for my growth. Eventually, how and when the boxes are checked becomes less of a preoccupation. In time, I gain a greater appreciation of how God wants to reveal Himself.
While our vision of life can be grand, there are countless benefits if we submit what we want to God.
Our prayers are heard. Each desperate cry or heartfelt desire is heard by our compassionate King.
“He grants the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues them.” – (Psalm 145:19 NLT)
Our faith is seen. Every ounce of our belief in God gets His approval and His reward.
“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.” – (Hebrews 11:6 NLT)
Our obedience matters. As we follow God’s commands, we acknowledge His divine authority and benefit from His sovereignty.
“Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts.” – (Psalm 119:2 NLT)
In His omniscience and love, God has His own wish list for our lives. (Jeremiah 29:11) I just took a peek at His list and saw the words “Trust Me.” His plan remains the best, even in the worst of circumstances. His wisdom helps us avoid our “wish list” blunders. As our wishes are fulfilled, it makes us happy. But as we submit our wishes to God and delight in who He is, His wishes make us better.
PRAY: Dear God, if I could have one wish, it would be ________________________. I take my desire and place it in Your hands. I trust You to do what’s best, knowing You hear my prayers. You see my faith. My obedience to You matters. I delight in Your faithfulness and love. Thank You for how You’ll shape and fulfill the desires of my heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.
JOY TO THE SOUL: “Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart.” (Psalms 37:4 AMP)
Kathy Francescon
Once again, Joy, a lovely and food for thought post! Our wishes are like the seasons, ebbing and flowing. At this point in my life, my wishes have vastly changed from those of my youth and all the ages since then. I still have wishes and I pray, but I always close with, “But Your Will be done, not my own, Dear God. And with that, some things I have prayed for or talked to God about, He just eradicates and sends me something so totally different, but so much the better! I am learning that no matter what, if my wish is “not” God’s will for me and my life, I’m not disappointed, because I know He will always give what His best is for me! God knows our needs, even before we ask Him. And I thank Him today, that He didn’t give me some of the things I have ask for along the way! Praise His Holy Name!
Wow, thanks for sharing Kathy! I’m learning when I fully embrace God’s will, I am not disappointed either. Discouragement will try to creep in “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.”
(Jeremiah 17:7 NLT)
Kathy Francescon
Amen Joy! Amen! And just today I started reading “Live Your Joy Story” on my You Version Bible App! I am so excited about reading it! So glad I saw it on your cover letter!! Blessings, my beautiful friend!
Thanks Kathy! I pray the reading plan encourages you. Once you’ve completed reading “Live Your Joy Story,” I’d love for you to share your thoughts here: https://joyawilliams.com/live-your-joy-story/
Kathy Francescon
I will absolutely share my thoughts about the reading plan! I can already say, day 1 is absolutely awesome! Trusting, loving, and believing in God, will bring us continual joy, no matter what! Living life with God and for God, is a deep rooted bond of joy that becomes more precious everyday! What a talent for writing that God has gifted you with, Joy! And I am so thankful to be a part of your ministry as loyal reader and an eager student!
Blessings always, my friend, and Sister in Christ!
Lisa notes...
I’m so grateful we can share all our dreams and desires with the Lord, and know they are in good hands!
Amen Lisa, amen! ❤