Happy New Year! No matter how much we’ve reviewed what did or didn’t happen last year, this year takes center stage. What do you anticipate? As I scroll through my email or social media feed, there is no shortage of planning tips from goal-setting gurus. These tools are helpful. But I also find it helpful to seek God about what is essential. Hence, four statements rest upon my heart. When it’s all said and done from January to December, I just want to do THIS.
Take time to allow God’s truth to shape me.
Daily bible readings and devotionals have been part of my life for years. But I have to be intentional to be consistent.
Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32 NLT)
Truth will set you free. May the beauty of this promise create new levels of faithfulness in me. For there is always more from God. Therefore, I yearn to…
Have a deep sense of His grace in new and current commitments.
The Apostle Paul repeatedly asked the Lord to remove what was painfully uncomfortable from his life. God repeated the promise of His grace.
Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9a NLT)
Therefore, the more I lean upon the Lord, the more I see His power at work, in and around me.
Interact with other people with His light more than our limitations.
Lord. Help. Me. Navigating interactions with people is not always easy.
“But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7)
Our unique personality and unspoken expectations weave their way into every encounter. However, God’s light is His shine on all that is good, hopeful, and true. As I engage with others may His light become my lens to see them in ways beyond what I see.
Stay close to Jesus.
No matter how much our hearts hold onto what happens this year, God always wants to shape us with His will. From unexpected successes to unforeseen struggles, I’m yielded when I focus on Jesus. Clinging to His redemption (my one-word focus this year) allows me to draw from His strength.
“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” (Hebrews 12: 1b-2 NLT)
To recap:
- Take time to allow God’s truth to shape me.
- Have a deep sense of His grace in new and current commitments. .
- Interact with others with His light more than my limitations.
- Stay close to Jesus.
All or some of these four statements may grip your heart too. Maybe you’re reading this post when life feels uncertain, or you’re revved up to reach new goals. Be encouraged. If the grace of God has taken you this far, you can trust Him to take you further into His will for your life. This year, I hope you’ll join me right here on the blog. We can do this together. Let’s do THIS with God.

Tamara Smith
I love how you’ve taken the word THIS, turned it into an acronym and it be used for application in life. My prayer is for God to allow me to see others through His eyes and give them the same grace that He gives us ,when we stumble. I’m so grateful for you and your blog. Wishing you an abundance of blessings in this new year!
Hi Tamara, Happy New Year!! I’m glad you’ll be joining me in THIS! Thanks for your kind comments about my blog. I appreciate you too!
Kathy Francescon
Blessed New Year, Joy! Loved your message! I pray to put even more emphasis on serving, loving, and sharing God! Doing “This” with God and with you, will be a “joy” this new year! Hope you had a Holy and Happy Christmas and may every blessing be yours in the year ahead!
Happy New Year Kathy! Many blessings to you as continue in your serving, loving and sharing God!
Happy New Year, Joy!
I do not have much in the way of goals for this year, except a vacation somewhere; I just go where the LORD leads me and do his will.
But to start the new year, I’d like to hear more about the joy that Jesus speaks about in John 15, in contrast to the joy in John 16. The former is present, whereas the latter is future. There is a difference, for He speaks of two time periods. {That is one of my defaults, to always think ahead, in the future, towards the end, when there should be a focus on the here and now.}
There is an ole saying that some people are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good. Not sure that is true. Hope not.
Happy New Year Lucille! Vacationing is a wonderful goal. I pray you’ll be led somewhere beyond your wildest dreams…. Also, I love your distinction between present and future joy. Amazingly, through Christ, we get to have both. But to your point, present joy is fueled by being heavenly minded, while future joy will come through our actually being present in heaven. By God’s grace, may we live in such a way that His joy will fill us to overflow, so someone can get to experience His joy too.