Guest Writer Series

Ā I am pleased to introduce Christy Mobley as a guest writer for this week’s post. Christy and I met at a speakers and writers conferenceĀ last year. Iā€™m glad we did. Her candor and wisdom are an encouragement to me. Ā I believe her post on “when to have tunnel vision” will encourage you too!Ā 


If you were to see me driving down the road, Iā€™m sorry but I probably wouldn’t see you. You could wave your hands, honk your horn, and still, I wouldnā€™t even notice Iā€™ve just passed you.

Iā€™m not trying to be rude. Really.

When I drive I look straight ahead (with the exception of pulling out into traffic) so I can see where Iā€™m going.

My husband tells me I have tunnel vision. Both he and friends tease me about it all the time. But maybe itā€™s a good thing to ignore whatā€™s on your right and whatā€™s to your left.

However, when Iā€™m walking for exercise, walking in the mall, or even down a sidewalk, I havenā€™t always adopted this same ethic. Instead, Iā€™ve had more of a wandering vision and itā€™s gotten me into a mess more than once.

I remember one instance in particular where hubby and I were strolling down the sidewalk at an outside mall. I was trying to check out the delicious purse dangling from the cute girlā€™s shoulder to my right when I ran smack into a street sign. Ouch!

Humiliating and painful all at the same time.

More often, I just mow people down while Iā€™m gawking at something or somebody to the right or left.

Okay, you might be thinking that Iā€™m not paying attention.

But I am.

As a matter of fact, Iā€™m paying too much attentionā€”to whatā€™s on my left and whatā€™s on my right.

And thatā€™s what we do when we compareā€”we give too much consideration to what others have or donā€™t and where theyā€™re going with it.

post for Joy Williams (1)When we rank ourselves by looking at our neighbor, we get a skewed view of who we are and where weā€™re headed.

But we all do this thing, compare. WeĀ canā€™t seem to help ourselves.

Sure we may see some benefit when we look one way and see that we do something better than somebody else but when we look the other way there will always be someone who can do that same thing better than we can.

Although weighing ourselves against another person may temporarily puff us up, we are sure to get the wind knocked out of us soon or later.

Thereā€™s nothing fair with the word compare.

I heard Lysa TerKeurst once say. ā€œDonā€™t compare your chapter one to my chapter twenty.ā€

Hereā€™s why: We are all on our own unique journey mapped out specifically for us to fulfill Godā€™s purposes.

Comparison is a clever distraction, a temptation constructed by our distorted human condition, derailing us off Godā€™s course.

When we look around to see what others are doing and where theyā€™re going, we canā€™t see where God is leading.

We lose our bearing.

Isaiah 30:21 tells us, ā€œWhen you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ā€˜This is the way; walk in it.ā€™ ā€

Just think of God as our personal GPS. If we listen, Heā€™ll direct us where to go. No need to look at our neighbor.

Lesson here? Donā€™t run into street signs or worse, mow somebody over.

Letā€™s keep our eyes on the prizeā€”the journey that Godā€™s already intentionally mapped out for us. Thereā€™s no looking to the right or the left, just straight ahead.

And all we need is a littleā€¦ tunnel vision.

for linkedin (1) (1)Christy is a wife, mother, writer, mentor, and Life Purpose Coach. She is passionate about encouraging women to move forward, and press on through their struggles, seeking God’s presence in every bump and turn in the road. Ā You can connect with Christy atĀ christymobley.comĀ ,(Joying in the Journey),Ā Facebook, orĀ Twitter.

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  1. Christy, you are speaking directly to me this morning…. Such a timely word for ME! Thank you šŸ˜Š! Heleka

  2. Heleka, I’m so glad you heard a word meant for you. Isn’t God good? This life can be a difficult journey but God blesses us with each other to get us through! Your comments blessed me today. Thank you.

  3. Yes Heleka – I second your comments! I really appreciate this post from Christy. It speaks volumes!

  4. Crystal Dawn Murphy

    Christy, I love the scripture you referenced. You’ve reminded me of the importance of keeping our focus on God and Him alone

  5. Such a good word here today, Christy. Comparison is a distraction of the enemy…That sinks in and hurts a little. But I totally see it. When I get wrapped up in comparison, who am I thinking about? (me!) Thanks so much for your wise words today. #RaRaLinkup

    1. Oh, Angela, I’m just seeing this. Thank you for your gracious comments. Something I learned just today: Sometimes I may think I have this comparison thing licked,but then I have a vulnerable day, and it sneaks back in! It reminds me I have to keep filling up my tank with Jesus. And that’s a beautiful thing.

  6. Me too Crystal. The verse is one of my favorites.

  7. Thanks for sharing your insights on comparison.

    If I were to name the most quoted verse I have used in my blogs posts it would be Isaiah 30:21. The applications of that verse are limitless as in all things, we should always be listening for that still small voice to say, this is the way walk in it. Thank you for sharing how it applies to comparing ourselves.

    Always leave your posts feeling edified. Thanks! šŸ™‚

  8. Christy, thank you. Neither to the left or to the right. Oh my! I’ve got a wandering eye…haven’t hit a sign…yet, so thanks for the heads up. To listen to our God given GPS. Thank you!

    1. Your’e so cute Susan!

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