Last summer, as Brady and I sat at a traffic light in Wilmington, NC nothing seemed unusual. I talked. He listened intently waiting for me to breathe. Then the light changed. As we made a left turn something took my breath away.
We turned onto Grace Street. Going forward would have been illegal until we had the green light. And yet, I would’ve missed the meaning of our movement if I hadn’t looked up.
Grace gives us the “green light” to go further in God’s will.
But we may wonder what that looks like when we’re considering a new area of responsibility, a new relationship or a possible relocation. Life’s decisions can be tough and time sensitive.
I’ve sat at the intersection of Grace Street and Fear Lane. Grace Street and Stubborn Road. Grace Street and Desperate Boulevard. At times, I’ve wanted God to change the street I was on instead of changing something in me.
However, grace changes everything. Through faith in Christ, we receive strength when we’re weak. We’re given blessings we don’t deserve, and we have access to God’s presence.
I was reminded of this truth as I attended an intimate gathering of fellowship and prayer a couple of weeks ago. Upon arrival, I fixed a cup of tea and grabbed a sleeve for the container. I didn’t realize the hostess had written a word on the sleeve as a personalized word for each guest.
My word for the evening was “surrender.” The lighting in the room was dim. At first, I thought it read “summer.” Wishful thinking.
I was hoping to spend the evening taking sips of my preferences. Instead, God wanted me to take gulps of His grace. It offers the toughness needed for life’s trials and an appreciation for His timing.
After spending time in prayer, I opened my eyes and looked up. Green light cascaded from above my head. It illuminated a sign which read “Exit.”
Excited by what I saw, I arrived at the significance:
As we wait for God to give us the “green light” to exit our current situation (or at least the way we feel about it), He is waiting for us to surrender to His plan.
During my prayer time, I spilled forth my hurts, desires and objections. He welcomed them all. He welcomed me. Initially, I sat in a puddle of my reality — until I began to worship.
My hallelujah was the highest praise but my surrender became the sweetest sound.
It echoed my embrace of God’s healing, His heart and His sovereign rule. I can see His “green light” when the longing for my plans becomes a yielding to His. Then I’m permitted to move freely. His Word lights the way.
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. – Psalm 119:105 NLT
I can take the smallest step in His wisdom when I’m willing to trust Him.
How exquisite your love, O God! How eager we are to run under your wings…Youβre a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light. – Psalm 36:7β-β¬9 MSG
I don’t know the name of your intersection as you sit at _______ and Grace Street. But my prayer for you and for me is we’ll experience God as a fountain of cascading light. As He opens our eyes, may we proceed in His plan with hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
Debbie W. Wilson (@DebbieWWilson)
Joy, my son went to UNCW. We love to visit Wilmington. Grace does change everything. Love the analogy of the street names and the reminder God’s Word lights up the next step.
Hi Debbie! Yes, Wilmington is a lovely place to visit. I’m glad you enjoyed this grace reminder.
Iβve sat at the intersection of Grace Street and Fear Lane. Grace Street and Stubborn Road. Grace Street and Desperate Boulevard. At times, Iβve wanted God to change the street I was on instead of changing something in me.
Loved that line – and several others as well. I would have probably gotten the surrender sleeve as well if I had been at the meeting. Surrender to write. Surrender to start a new business full force and not playing around with it. Surrender to live the life I have right now and not what I “thought it would be.” Thank you for speaking to my soul today.
Hi Lori! I’m glad this post spoke to you. Thankfully, God’s word and grace continues to light our way!
Christina Price
Such a beautifully written post. I feel that I am often at the intersection of Grace Street and Guilt Lane. I refuse to let God give me grace for the mistakes I mean, so often feel stuck. I love the verse from Psalm 36, you quoted. Thank you for the reminder that we need to allow God to give us grace for our daily life and decisions.
Thanks Christina! Let’s not leave the grace and guilt intersection off the list.π I’ve been there too. May grace always win!
I love the analogy. How cool was that to see the street sign “grace.” Thank you for sharing.
You’re welcome Maree. Thanks for stopping by!