As I prepare to post on social media, the image is set and the words are written. But I have another decision to make.
Will I click the “add to my story” button or shrug my shoulders and pick the “my news feed” button instead?
Lately, more than usual, “my story,” feels unfinished. In many ways, each of our stories are undone.
And yet, with summer finally here, sharing stories will be non-stop across the internet and across our dinner tables. As days are longer and temperatures rise, there are plenty of adventures on the horizon.
But here on this blog for the next 6 weeks, a few writer friends and I will share:
The “Joy to the Soul Summer” series!
You may recall last year’s series (or if you’re new to this blog, you can click here). The purpose is to connect the uniqueness and beauty of the season to faith in Christ.
This year, I can’t help but wonder…
What will God add to our stories this summer?
There’s sure to be new people, new places and new perspectives.
If I had my way, I’d see more breakthroughs with my parenting, more date nights with my husband and more opportunities with my writing.
But God sees more than my list. He sees my heart.
After all, the power of a story lies in sharing something significant. Definitive moments in a narrative delight us, challenge us or change us.
In recent summers, He’s given me insights on race, romance, and reaching my potential. He emphasized the enduring beauty of purpose.
Each insight continues to speak.
They tell me I’ll miss what God is doing, if I just look for predictable things or explainable things. He does awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things — things greater than we ever could ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)
When God adds to our story, the image reflects who He is.
Redeemer. Healer. Deliverer. Restorer. Provider.
You get the picture.
When He writes the words, they were penned before we took one breath.
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. (Psalm 139:16 NLT)
I anticipate the wonder of God revealing my pre-recorded days. I’m excited about this summer.
Fear and doubt may try to edit His narrative for this season, by distorting His image or distracting me from His promises. But instead of listening to unauthorized opinions, I’m focusing on the one true Author and Finisher of my faith. (Hebrews 12:2)
I anticipate seeing how His Image and Word will prevail in the heat of the day and in my summer nights.
Will you invite Him to add to your story too?
Join me and my writer friends for the next six weeks as we share some encouraging insights (a surprise giveaway) and of course, hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
Being Woven
Oh, how blessed to know that “my story” is His story really if I allow Him to write it. Sometimes I grab the pen but I really want to reflect Him more and more. I am learning. May He write it with indelible ink.
Amen! I love this, “May He write with indelible ink.”
Thank you so much for this reminder. In the end, when we let Him, He fulfills His purpose for us. Many blessings to you!
Hi Boma! May you have a blessed summer full of God’s purposes in and through you!
Karen Del Tatto
Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring and encouraging post. I love the sentiment of God adding to our story and the fact that he has already penned our story before the worlds began, but that indeed we must stay focused on God and not let our fears and distractions take away from the beauty of the story that God is writing through us.
You have a real gift for writing. I enjoyed my visit here. π
Thanks Karen! I’m glad you enjoyed this post.
Yes and Amen! (–to longer days and summer nights, AND to making space to see how God is writing our stories!
Hi Karrilea! Have a wonderful summer. Make sure to stop by for more of this series.π
I need the kind of edit found in the Hall of Faith –
By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff.
Lucille, may the edits of added strength and heartfelt worship be yours now and in the days to come. May the testimonies in Hebrews 11 continue to encourage you as you build your own. Blessings and peace to you.β₯οΈ
What a fun series! Looking forward to reading what God is doing in your lives this summer.
Thanks Susan! I look forward to you joining us.
I’m so excited to be a part of your series this year, Joy. And what a thought that God is more concerned with ME, than my list. This really puts summer in perspective!
I can’t wait to follow along with the rest of the series and be encouraged with what the other writers have to share.
Blessings to you, dear friend.
Marva | SunSparkleShine
Thanks Marva! I’m super excited to have you join the series this year. I look forward to what God will have you to share with us! β₯οΈ