Happy New Year! This traditional greeting is a welcome description for the newest set of twelve months. But what would make this year “happy” for you?
Are you a goal-setter or just waiting for the year to unfold? In many ways, the New Year feels like a blank slate. Fresh promise draws us in while past years offer life lessons or lingering fears.
As the blanks fill-in, each one creates a unique opportunity. I can become transformed by God’s grace and truth or become limited by my perspective. Hence,
My “one- word” for this year is becoming.
And yes, I’m aware it’s the title of Michelle Obama’s new book. The same title was also used for books by Cindy Crawford (2015) and for an unauthorized biography on Steve Jobs (2015).
The organic nature of becoming fits for anyone wanting to explore how they arrive at a certain point in life.
At first, I resisted it. I didn’t want to commit to a word that seemingly waltzed in because of someone else’s notoriety. But if you’re a “one-word” enthusiast, you know the word chooses you. You can deny it, refuse to write it or sit tight-lipped while your friends share theirs. I tried all of these.
“Becoming” wouldn’t budge from my space.
It sat with me and kept extending the same invitation: Become more of who you are meant to be.
I could choose to become less. I have a lot of practice. However, being less secure, less focused and less impacted by Christ’s redemption is far less appealing to me.
As I embrace His invitation, I know “becoming more” is a process. It is filtered by pain and loaded with promise. It teaches us how to walk in grace and chew on truth at the same time.
Last year, my one-word was momentum. If I knew the degree of intensity it implied, I might have skipped the momentous occasion. Thankfully, I didn’t.
The intensity rooted out what was necessary to remind me of God’s sovereignty. It rearranged my priorities to further align them with His.
So as I seek to become more content in Him and more trusting of Him, I’m clinging to Him.
He’s already filled in the future’s blanks.
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. – Psalm 139:15 and 16 NLT
Join me as I rest in (and sometimes wrestle with) what He recorded. Each month, one of my weekly posts will feature the “Becoming More…” series. I’ll share what I discover about becoming more dependent on Him and more empowered by Him. If previous years are any indication, I anticipate…
Many moments will require courage.
Surprising challenges and connections will surface.
Multitudes of mercy will show up for my missteps and mistakes.
Encouragement will spring up from unexpected places.
Blessings may arrive in seemingly small ways; but any blessing is a big deal.
But whatever appears in my life, in God’s book “every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”
And yet, in every moment we have a choice – His choice or some counterfeit consideration. What will this year become for you?
For me, becoming more courageous, merciful, grateful or wise doesn’t happen by accident or by sheer human will. These attributes become a part of me as I abide in Christ.
I look forward to how He’ll steady me and shape me in this New Year. And I look forward to you joining me as we continue to receive hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
I love this…”multitudes of mercy” are so much a part of our becoming more like Him. May He bless you in 2019 in the process of becoming as you share hope with others. Thank you for sharing your post! Your neighbor at Soaring With Him, Tammy
Thanks Tammy! Many blessings to you in the New Year as well.
Rachel Lee
What a powerful, POWERFUL word for the new year! Oh, I am excited for you, as you venture into this new territory with God! May there be MUCH becoming, as you lean into, and become evermore like Him! Excited to journey with you, Joy!
Thanks Rachel! Excited to journey with you too!
I like your words, I’m starting with grace but I need more than one word a year, I could see one a day.
Although it’s not my one-word, I’m starting with “grace” too! May you experience God this year in all kinds of wonderful ways.