What would you like for Christmas? As a child, I longed to hear those words from the jolly Santa at the local shopping center. Who doesn’t want an invitation to share their happiness wish list? I do! I do!
Now before I start listing items that would lead to material bliss, I’m also giving thought to what this world really needs. In a time when headlines read “Hands up! Don’t shoot!” the heart can grow heavy over the fact that some parts of the world have grown so cold.
One of my favorite songs this time of year is My Grown Up Christmas List. It offers a bevy of solutions in a world riddled with hurting hearts and evil minds. Here’s the list:
1. No more lives torn apart
2. Wars would never start
3. Time would heal all hearts
4. Everyone would have a friend
5. Right would always win
6. Love would never end
These six gift ideas from the song’s chorus are admirable, but are they realistic? There’s a part of me that sure hopes so. But the biblically-informed me knows we will never reach such an ideal existence in this life.
This song’s lyrics contain several absolutes: no more, never, all, everyone, and always. I like the way the song writer thinks. If you’re going to make a wish-list, why not go for the maximum? It reminds me of asking for a miracle. I can think of a few of those on my prayer list. A kidney match for my brother-in-law and a cure for my friend whose in stage-four cancer are miracles I’ve asked of God. After all, when it comes to miracles He is the only One who can do “exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask or think.” (see Ephesians 3:20)
So as you consider your wish list or prayer this Christmas season, here’s some good news: nothing is too hard for God. He is always faithful. His mercy endures forever. Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. These are just a few of the absolutes we can cling to from His Word. And each one brings an everlasting hope to my heart and an unspeakable joy to my soul.
“Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.” – Ephesians 3:20 TLB
What’s on your “grown up” Christmas list?
(Share your comments in the section below.)
Raynette Covington
Thanks Joy for the reminder of what is important.
christy mobley
Joy, I like what you said about absolutes. Maybe using absolutes would help me pray more specifically. Thought provoking post.
Crystal Murphy
Joy…replacing the world’s absolutes with God’s absolutes is a great reminder for us in this time and throughout the year. Thanks!
Nashawn Turner
What a great article Joy and a timely one for this time of the year! Especially when this is typically the time of year is when many become depressed for various reasons. Thank you for not only bringing “Joy To the World” with such an uplifting article, but “Hope” to all this Christmas season!!! Merry Christmas to you and may the God of miracles bless you and your family tremendously!!!
Thanks for your comments! It is great when we can focus on the attributes of God. A God-focus frees us from the stress of our situations.
Corey Goolsby
Amen! There’s no better Christmas gift than salvation for the lost.