In this third and final week of this year’s Joy to the Soul Summer series, the focus is rest. In addition to reflection and realignment, it is one of the 3 Ways This Summer Could Make a Difference.

Around March of each year, my internal clock sends me a reminder. Summer is coming. At that point, it’s still 3 months away. And yet, I start thinking of how I’ll slow down and take in the season’s delights. Is there a time and space where you can exhale from the stresses of life? Maybe it’s a distant spot on the globe or a place in your own yard. Once I’m on my front porch or walking along a beach, it’s my time to enjoy what I haven’t had time to enjoy.

Lengthier quiet times are filled with release. Restoration comes alongside me like a welcomed friend. I whisper a prayer or linger in a daydream. For many of us, summer includes extended time with family or friends. It’s a great time to enjoy an outdoor music event or sit with a book that feeds the soul.

But what’s special about the rest of your summer? I’m not just asking about your plans for the remainder of the season. I’m talking about your pause. It’s the way you choose to slow down and enjoy what you haven’t had time to enjoy.

One of the benefits of our scripture for this series is that it offers us a joyful approach to all things.

“For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, what joy for those who trust in you.” (Psalms 84:11-12 NLT)

The psalmist’s declaration comes from personal experience. The joy of trusting God is only known by those who have trusted Him. The psalmist refers to God as “Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” It means He is the Commander of the angelic host. They are God’s messengers to carry out His missions. They win every war.

But what about you and me? Do we trust in the Lord of Heaven’s Armies to fight our battles or carry our burdens?

Here are 3 suggestions that link our trust to our rest. It’s the kind of rest that can bring you joy this summer.

Rest from what makes you unsure. God doesn’t ask us to have everything figured out. Jesus only asked us to follow Him. (Matthew 16:24-25) His redemption is our rest when life is hard. As we lean into His grace, if uncertainty tugs at the heart, the tension can turn us toward God. Is there something you need to let go of this summer to embrace what it means to trust Him?

If not, this may help.

Rest from what is overwhelming. The pace of life can slowly build or suddenly shift into more than we can handle. And yet, setting aside time to refresh our perspective can do wonders in any season. Consider our scriptural theme. Psalms 84:11-12 points us to who God is and what He does. He is our sun and our shield. He gives grace and glory. The Lord withholds no good thing from those who do what is right. When we are overwhelmed, the right thing to do is trust God. (Psalm 61:1-4)

Therefore, this third suggestion may be the most needful one.

Rest from not knowing how to rest. If you have a fluid rhythm of worship, work and rest, you know the beauty and power of the sequence.

Worship keeps God first in our lives. Work allows us to express His purpose for our lives. And rest happens when we choose to be still as He restores our lives.

But if the worship, work, rest rhythm fails, unrest is a stressful sequence. I’m glad Jesus always offers His rest to weary hearts. (Matthew 11:27-29) Prayerfully ask Him where (and how) you need to slow down. What might God want you to see about His love and care over your life?

For the Lord of Heaven’s Armies is also the Lord of all creation. Hence, as we feel summer’s breeze, watch summer’s rain or seek refuge from the heat of the day, there is an invitation in it all. The Creator of it all calls to us to find one of summer’s simple joys. Find some shade. Close your eyes. Rest. In Him. You might be surprised to find what’s special about the rest of your summer.

Read more of the “Joy to the Soul Summer” series here!

Thank you for reading the Joy to the Soul blog! I’m taking a break through the month of August. In September, I look forward to returning with more encouragement. I hope you’ll join me here (make sure to sign up for updates). Have a safe and enjoyable summer! ~ Joy

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