What do you do when you’re afraid? I tend to flee. In my haste, sometimes I fall.Β 

Once, I landed in a state of emotional upheaval.  Another time I slipped on a pile of unmet expectations — the kind that anticipated success but couldn’t handle failure.

But one day grace broke my fall.

It happened when I fell faith forward.

My lean began in the midst of many losses. My husband’s great-aunt, who lived with us, passed away.  A few months later, my mother died unexpectedly. A few weeks later, my uncle followed her home to see Jesus.

Grief mixed with grace filled my days. Then fear barged in.  It intruded with its usual horrifying statistics, intimidating requirements or in this case, a frightening question:

What would life look like without those I loved?

Soon after, the recession hit and my husband lost his job. We almost lost everything.  Fear seized the moment. It moved from stifling my existence to dominating my days and lengthening my nights.

The more afraid I became, the more I forgot God’s promises.

The assurance of knowing “He’d never leave me or forsake me” felt like a distant reality.

The shelter of Him being my hiding place felt hidden from me.

My hope level dropped until I was frozen in fear. It was a slow thaw.

Amazingly, the warmth of God’s word melts my heart

and molds my victory at the same time.

As I continued to read the bible, spend time with faith-filled friends and glean from my pastor’s sermons, my spiritual memory rekindled.

I fell forward. On my knees.

I cried out for deliverance from the bullying thoughts of who or what I’d lose next. At first, I lived and loved tentatively.  However, fear doesn’t stop at making us hesitant. It tells any courage we have left to come out with its hands up.

But there’s a better surrender. It leads me into the fortress of trusting God. It’s the best place to be whether life deals me a blow or if fear is just barking.

Is there something or someone you’re afraid you’ll lose?  God took what threatened me and flattened it. Amazingly, He used the gift of His grace to put fear on the run.

In the depths of my dilemma, I was asked to teach at a prayer conference.  I wondered if God told the organizers about my fight with my phobias. My assigned topic: Overcoming fear.

I fell on my face. How could I teach what I didn’t live?  But that was His point all along. He was turning me into a fear fighter.

In her book, Fear Fighting, Kelly Balarie brings the battle against fear where it belongs — before the throne of grace.  She writes,

β€œWe don’t have to know everything but just be willing to accept His everything. To let it settle right into the deep gashes of fear. Then, things change.” 

I experienced the wonder of God’s β€œeverything” when I completed my prayer conference assignment during my fear-filled season. By His grace, the changes continue.

When the risks are high or loved ones are vulnerable, fear’s threats can seem real. But the wisdom of God’s word disarms any robber of our faith. This verse is this overcomer’s weapon:

“The Lord is my light and my salvation β€” so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?” Psalms 27:1 NLT


For more on Fear Fighting read Kelly Balarie’s book where she rallies us to “foster new courageous habits.”

  If you enjoyed this post, consider blessing me by entering 43 in the comment section (just click here) and sharing the encouragement of this post with others.

Thank you and may your fear fighting turn into faith victories!

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  1. This was great to read Joy! I remember when my mom and two brothers died within 10 months. I did not have a relationship with the Lord! Fear and depression were a big part of my life. Did not know how to shake it. I thank God that He kept me because my mom knew Him very well and all those prayers she prayed every morning are still keeping me today.

    1. Hi Liz, I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Sharing our pain become easier in light of God’s comfort and redemption. Also, thank you for sharing what He’s done in your life. Blessings to you!

  2. WOW, Joy! I just “randomly” talked about fear on last week’s Periscope and here it is again today, confirming what God said! We may get afraid, but we don’t have to stay afraid–we have the God of all flesh on our side!!! This was an OUTSTANDING post, Sis!

    1. Thanks Blen! You’re right — being afraid and staying afraid is completely different. I’ll have to check you out on Periscope. Let’s continue to lean faith forward!

  3. Great post! I voted!!!

    1. Thanks Cheryl!

  4. I found inspiration in your blog message during my recent experience of dealing with a fearful situation. I voted!

    1. Thanks Jackie! I’m glad this post encouraged you in your fear battle. Praying your fight becomes your victory!

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