“When fear tells you what you won’t see, faith says look at God.” These words came rushing in with the sound of my alarm clock last week. It was the morning of my brother’s eye surgery. Michael’s doctors said there was a possibility his vision wouldn’t return for at least three days post-op. I thought to myself, “Let’s see what God says about that.”
This thought wasn’t an arrogant response to their advice; it was a quiet assurance in my soul. As the day of the surgery grew near, my resolve remained. But the morning of the procedure, I sensed something else. It was fear.
I’d prayed with my brother the night before. Others were praying for him too. And yet, as the moment of truth drew near, fear’s sinister voice grew louder. The irony of my battle didn’t escape me. Just days before, I’d led the women’s prayer conference call for my church. Our prayer focus was overcoming fear. We drew the battle lines with God’s word and put the enemy on notice:
We are meant to be faith walkers; not fear dwellers.
For we walk by faith and not by sight. – 2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV
As thoughts swirled in my head about Michael, I wondered how his children were doing. I thought about my two sisters too. Had fear picked a fight with each of us? I pulled out my phone and typed the words from my wake-up call:
When fear tells you what you won’t see, faith says look at God.
As I activated my family’s text thread, I prayed our faith was activated too. Michael immediately typed back “Thanks Joy, love you.” His text brought gravity to the fact that his surgery was a few hours away. But faith chimed in with its reminder, “God is already there.”
If you’ve also battled fear you know it doesn’t fight fair. It sucker punches us with our concern for what or who we love. It attempts to knockout our confidence in the faithfulness of God. And yet, as fear tries to numb us with the worst case scenario, faith wakes us up with the truth:
God is for us and He will be no less than God to us.
I’m amazed by God’s choices to reveal His “for us” and “to us;” but each of us has a choice too. Will we allow God’s word to abide “in us?” Here are two of His promises that bring rest and rescue to my soul:
Romans 8:38-39 declares nothing can separate us from the love of God demonstrated by Christ’s death for us.
Philippians 4:13 says we can do all things through the strength Christ gives to us.
As I prayed on my brother’s behalf, I knew I wasn’t informing God. He knows what we need before we ask. However, whatever we ask in prayer, it affirms what we believe about Him.
I’m happy to report Michael’s surgery went well. His vision returned the same day. I am grateful for the way God chose to reveal Himself and for His faithful wake-up call to me.
If you’re apprehensive about a task, uneasy about an outcome or dreading a conversation, here’s some good news: God is already there and He will be no less than God to you. When what He’s done “for us” and who He is “to us” is welcomed by us, it brings hope for the heart and joy to the soul.
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. – Hebrews 11:6 NIV
Alisa @ Flourishing Today
Joy, I love this!!! It’s true, fear tries to come and convince us that God won’t show up, that He doesn’t care about what we are going through. The enemy is a liar and the father of lies, and uses fear as his tactic to intimidate us. One of my favorite things is confession God’s word through prayer. I feel like there are angels standing at attention, ready to respond on our behalf- waiting for us to agree with God’s word. The moment it leaves our lips, it shoots into the spiritual realm battling on our behalf. Thank you for this encouragement today! Linking up at Intentionally Pursing.
Hi Alisa! “I feel like there are angels standing at attention, ready to respond on our behalf–waiting for us to agree with God’s Word.” Your words are a great reminder of the power of knowing and agreeing with God’s word through prayer. Thanks for sharing your insights.
Karen Foster
“We’re meant to be faith walkers; not fear dwellers.”…That phrase is going on my frig! Thank you. And praise the Lord for Michael’s renewed vision!
You’re welcome Karen. I probably need to put that quote on my fridge too! 🙂 Also, I’m grateful Michael allowed me to share his testimony on this week’s post. Thanks!
Look at God!!! What an amazing testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of God! Being a faith walker instead of a fear dweller all day, everyday is my new mission! Love it!
Thanks Nashawn! Glad to know we’re on that “faith walker instead of a fear dweller” mission together!
Gail Burke
Joy, what an awesome post our brother Michael’s surgery prompted! I am so thankful to the Lord and I continually praise Him for the faith walker and prayer warrior He has raised up in you! Post on, Baby Sis, post on!
Awww…thanks Gail – to God be the glory!
Amen! What a powerful testimony, Joy! Thank you for sharing this inspiration today! We don’t go anywhere in this life where God has not already stood. The unknown to us is known to God. Such an important reminder. So thankful that your brother’s surgery went well. PTL!
Thanks June. You are so right –“We don’t go anywhere in this life where God has not already stood!” Now that truth is bringing hope to my heart and joy to my soul. Thanks for stopping by June!
Michael P. Hamer
Joy, I thank God that your are my sister. Your Faith is Strong, Steadfast, and Unmovable. Thanks for your prayers, love, and companionship along my life’s journey. And my children’s journey as well. Keep Ministering, Keep Serving. Keep Loving. You have brought much Honor to Mom and Dad. I know that they are very proud of you. We all Love You very much. Of course, thanks for all the laughs too. Michael
Thanks Michael! I’m so grateful you are well and you were willing to let me share your testimony on this post. You are a wonderful big brother — I thank God for you!
Aunt Corenza
Thank you Joy for the wonderful testimony regarding Michaels eye surgery. Yahweh is so awesome and he does answer our prayers when we pray in faith. God knows that we will experience fears, worry and doubt, which is of the enemy, and He gives us his word and his promises to fight the good fight of faith. I did not know about the surgery, but you all are always in my prayers. I am so proud of you woman of God, and all of your siblings. Mia and Hamer are smiling. Love to you all
Thanks Aunt Corenza! For years, you have prayed faithfully for us. We thank God for you. The amazing thing about prayer is how God uses our petitions even when we don’t know all the details. We are so blessed to have you interceding on our behalf — praying for you and your family too. Love you much!