We make much of God’s mercy when we give it to others. We make much of His grace when we believe it’s enough for us. I pray these words provide a soft place for you to land and find hope for the heart and joy to the soul!
When Grace Is Not Enough
by Joy A. Williams
The road of life has many turns.
The unexpected is around the bend.
Hopeful or hesitant but wanting to learn,
We search from beginning to end.
When plagued by sin or a crisis of faith
The journey becomes quite tough.
Where does the soul find its rest
When grace is not enough?
Thirsty to find a welcome place,
The soul will embrace any depth.
There’s joy in discovering sacred space
And the power of being kept.
But awkward spaces filled with lies
Distort truth and muffle our trust.
So how does a soul break free to live
When grace is not enough?
Striving and struggling to prove our worth
Robs the soul of its sweetest power.
To drink the forgiveness and liberty
Flowing freely from Calvary’s tower.
If reliving the past or reaching for the future
Doubts and fears may try to rebuff.
But peace and contentment eludes the soul
When grace is not enough.
Grace is God’s gift to you and me.
There’s no need to beg or to earn.
It was purchased with the holiest currency —
The blood of God’s only Son
Grace gives us strength when we have none
And grants access to undeserved treasures.
Given by Love who knows all our flaws,
A believing heart is where He finds pleasure.
What fuels your quest? Are you looking for love?
Achievement, riches or fame?
The highest honor is knowing the One
Who bears salvation’s name
The vilest sinner and the neediest soul
Are changed by His touch.
Because Jesus ever lives to remind us
His grace is always enough.
“Each time he said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’ So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” -2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT
Additional Scriptural References:
Romans 5:16-18
2 Corinthians 9:8
Ephesians 2:8-9
2 Peter 1:2
Karen Foster
Love this. And made me ponder why receiving God’s grace is so difficult. Is it truly a sense of unworthiness, or a lack of faith that grace is ENOUGH.
Hi Karen! I’m glad you enjoyed this post. It’s quite different from my usual “less poetic” format. However, I’m amazed by the wonder of God’s grace and the hindrances to our ability to receive it. I agree – “unworthiness of a lack of faith” keeps us from seeing grace is ENOUGH!