It is almost time for my annual beach getaway with my husband. The idea of hearing the crashing waves and feeling my toes in the sand builds my anticipation. But with pandemic risks running rampant, our vacation has turned into a staycation.
Disappointment displaces what was supposed to be a delight. You may have your own set of adjustments you are making. And yet, when life feels like shifting sand, faith in Christ offers us a firm footing.
Meet Abby McDonald, the author of Shift, Changing Our Focus to See the Presence of God. She says, “If we want to see God in the midst of our struggles, we have to change the way we look for Him.” I’ve enjoyed reading the book and I’m grateful Abby is joining us to share more about growing in godly perspective.
JOY: Abby, thanks for sharing your book’s message with us. With so many changes due to public health safety and in our private lives, your book is timely. It was released at the beginning of this year, but what caused you to write Shift?
ABBY: I wrote Shift because it was a message I not only needed in my own life, but saw its need countless times in the lives of others. There were several seasons when my husband and I took a step of faith and obedience, but then faced roadblocks and detours. It caused me to question whether or not I heard God correctly and I was forced to look for Him beyond my expectations of what would or wouldn’t happen. When I would talk to close friends and family members, I heard them tell stories of similar frustrations.
I wanted to explore what it means in 2 Corinthians 4:18 when Paul tells us to “Fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen,” and give readers tangible ways to apply this command to their everyday lives.
JOY: As I consider situations in my own life, applying this verse is powerful. But how can we break out of our old views of who God is and begin to see Him more accurately?
ABBY: I believe one of the key aspects of God’s character that we need to understand is that He is limitless, and He wants to surpass our expectations. Often, we become so fixated on what we think should happen as a result of a step of our faith, prayers, or actions, we miss what God is already doing. His answer to our requests may not look the way we envision, but it will always be in line with His character, which is one of perfect love, compassion and mercy.
If we’re feeling alone, frustrated or insecure, let’s take a cue from the Psalms of David and be honest with him about it. God will not turn away from our cries. Not only that, but there’s something about getting raw and honest with God that brings divine revelation of who He is.
JOY: Absolutely Abby. In the Message Bible’s version of Matthew 6:6, Jesus provides instruction and relief as we wrestle with life’s issues. He says, “Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.” (Matthew 6:6 MSG)
What are the rewards of being real about our emotions versus role-playing with God?
ABBY: I think when we try to role-play we don’t invite relationship, which is what God desires for each of us. We are simply playing a part, and not being our true selves.
“God already knows what we’re thinking and feeling, but when we are honest with Him about it, it builds a foundation of trust. Instead of speaking to Him as a distant deity who does not care for our individual needs, we talk to Him as a Father and a Friend.” – Abby McDonald
In John 15, Jesus told his disciples He no longer called them servants, but friends, because He had told them everything the Father made known to him. If Jesus trusts us enough to tell us secrets straight from heaven, I know we can trust Him too.
JOY: There are so many heart-stirring passages in the book. One of my favorite passages is in Chapter 5, when you talk about the difference between having hope in God’s plan or our own. What are some signs we’re losing our focus on His will?
ABBY: I think when we begin to distance ourselves from God because He’s not answering in the way we want, it’s a sign that we’re losing focus. Another sign is when we think His love for us is dependent on a certain answer from Him or a specific provision from Him. I don’t think God is asking us to release our expectations completely because we’re human and it’s our nature to envision a certain outcome, but I do know He wants us to trust Him. When we trust Him more than our plan for our lives, a burden is lifted.
JOY: Abby, thank you for sharing the benefits of shifting our focus to see more of God’s presence in our lives. What is the main takeaway you would like for readers to experience?
ABBY: I would love for readers to be confident that God is working and moving on their behalf, even when they can’t see it. Even when life isn’t turning out the way they anticipated or when prayers seem to go unanswered, I want them to know God hears and He cares for each of our needs. He will use each and every season we walk through for good, but sometimes it takes time and perspective to see it. Keep seeking Him, and He will reveal Himself and His answer at the right time.
Wow Abby! Now instead of being frustrated over my staycation, I’m refocusing on how I can see God even with a change of plans. Thanks again for sharing Shift with us today. Blessings to you my friend!
Abby McDonald is a writer, speaker, wife and mom whose passion is to help women find the hope of Christ in the middle of life’s messes. She is the author of Shift: Changing Our Focus to See the Presence of God, and her work has been featured in numerous publications, both online and in print, including Proverbs 31 Ministries, (in)Courage, Crosswalk, and more.
Abby lives with her husband, three children, and mischievous lab in the mountains of western Maryland. You can download “The Daughter’s Manifesto” as her free gift to you at abbymcdonald.org. You can also connect with Abby on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/abbymcd7 or Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fearfullymademom.
We’d love to hear from you… Comment on this week’s post and ENTER A DRAWING TO WIN A FREE COPY OF SHIFT! One entry per commenter. All eligible comments must be entered by Monday, July 20, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. ET*. The winner will be announced on next week’s post, July 22, 2020!
*The drawing is limited to entries in the continental United States.
To read more posts in the “Joy to the Soul Summer” series click here.
This sounds like a book I’d love to read.
I have a beautiful piece of art over my patio door with the words “The Joy of the Lord is my Strength.” It is a daily reminder that my disappointments in life can take my focus off the true source of my joy – my relationship and dependence on Jesus the Christ.
Hi Joan! Shift is filled with encouraging insights for when I’ve needed them the most. It’s a great read. Like you, I know God is my strength. And yet, there are times when I need to replenish in Him so I can flourish in that truth!
This was so good! I’ve had a lot of loss in my life the last coming close to three years in September when we lost our firstborn son in a motorcycle accident. I’ve had to get much better at laying it out there for the Lord to take care of. I sure can’t carry it all. I still have a ways to go but I know for sure He is my strength!
Steffanie, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. May you have many moments where you experience God carrying the burden of your grief. Strength and peace to you.
Ariel McBryde-Gritter
Thanks for this Joy and Abby, I often find myself tied up in the outcome I am seeking and appreciate the reminder to focus on how God is at work all the time in my life, even when events don’t make sense to me.
Hi Ariel! I can relate all too well!
Leigh Ellen
I am grateful for Abby and her wisdom! I’m learning to look for God’s grace in each day and keep my eyes focused on Him. This sounds like a great book!
Hi Leigh! I’m grateful for Abby’s wisdom too. Even the book’s title, Shift speaks to our need to redirect (or deepen) our focus on God for such a time as this!
Jane DeLong
Thank you for sharing about this book! I had not heard of it before reading this post but it sounds like a very timely message for me personally and for the church universal!
Hi Jane, I’m glad you enjoyed my conversation with Abby. And yes, her book is a very timely message.
The phrase “our plan for our lives” is interesting. Suppose one, in particular, a Christian, does not have plans for his or her life.
Hi Lucille! You hit a spiritual nerve! As Christ followers we should be fully committed to His plan in every situation. However, “our plans” can be as simple as our expectations or desires for what we would like to happen in or around our lives. Thankfully, we can refocus or “shift” to wanting His will and His alone.
Michelle O
I concur!!! We have endured one of our hardest years the past 14 months. Now, just a week out since victory ( Y.E.S.!!!!) – we are in awe of what God has done. In what we thought was numbing silence – He was working. So many times, Satan tempted me with “Do you really think God is honoring you & protecting you?” as we obediently waited & didn’t strive a bit (although i wanted to!) Thru all the Hills & Valleys & what we thought on some days – could not endure – GOD BUILT CHARACTER. He also provided MUCH refreshment as we “walked thru” & even though His Voice was painfully inaudible, I can TRULY say HIS HAND was felt. Steady – steadying me, & many wonderful opportunities refreshing us thru the raging storm, and mostly the heart/Spirit affirmation & building thru our Brothers & Sisters who didn’t know the depths we were experiencing. Our marriage grew even stronger, too, in it
♥️ Faithful Faithful God
♥️ I have had this small saying, passing thru my heart – often as i walked thru this – “From Flesh – to Flourish” … yes, A God, who leads us into triumphal Victory 
Michelle, you say a lot of truth here! I can relate to your words in my own hard season. I could type “Amen” at the end of each of your sentences. Praise God for the glorious outcome He has brought you to. From flesh to flourish, Amen!
Thank you so much for inviting me to be a guest in this beautiful series, Joy!
You’re welcome Abby! I’m thrilled to have you here!
Taura Glaze
This is a beautiful and timely conversation. So many of our plans unfolded differently this year, but even in the midst of the shut-downs, God is making making Himself known. Over time I’ve had to learn how to hold tight to God, instead of the outcomes that I desire for Him to bring to past.
Thank you both!!
Hi Taura! Like you, I’m amazed by how God reveals Himself in this season of shutdowns. Ironically, the more I hold tight to Him, the more open I become to what He desires to do in spite of circumstances.
Jackie H.
Very inspiring message especially Abby’s statement: God will not turn away from our cries.
Thanks for this awesome blog post.
Hi Jackie! God’s attentiveness to our cries comforts and encourages me too!